Chapter 4.66: Discontent

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"This is such bullcrap. Unadulterated bullcrap," seethed Wyatt as he paced back and forth, more out of a desire to move than a conscious choice. "I can't believe we're being forced to be here. Literally the second I turn 18, I'm gone."

He and Todd stood on a top of some high rise building Todd had found during a quick search on google maps. Something high enough that they wouldn't be overheard but not too tall. After a few stories, Todd always got nervous.

"I mean," Wyatt continued to vent," at least your squad seems cool. You've got the Grey Ghoul's sidekick, for crying out loud. Meanwhile, I'm stuck with the squad that is so by the book, we had to stop as we were leaving the campus today to check the dumb Hero's Handbook they gave us to make sure we were leaving correctly. Really?! It's called leaving a building. You've been doing it your whole life!"

Todd let out a little laugh, sitting on a vent, leaning forward toward Wyatt, his elbows on knees. "Was there actually anything in the book about leaving buildings?

"Thankfully, no," Wyatt conceded. "But this kid William figured since we already had the books open, we should read something, so they found a section on being vigilant while you're on patrol. William said we should each read a sentence so everyone would get a turn." Wyatt shook his head disapprovingly.

"Anything good in the book?" asked Todd.

Wyatt sighed.

"Yeah, it wasn't too bad," he conceded. "Some good stuff about aware and not getting too distracted thinking about other stuff."

"Well, that sounds like pretty good advice," Todd said, trying to look at the bright side.

"But!" Watt said with exasperation, "There was a whole paragraph on always looking both ways before we cross streets. They want me to fight crime, but they don't trust me to look both ways before I cross the street? I'm 17; I'm pretty sure I've mastered the whole "street crossing" concept by now."

Todd nodded in agreement, then said. "Dude, they're just worried about us. They want to make sure we don't end up like Clive Smith-"

"-Who was massively inexperienced," Wyatt cut in. "Todd, we have been doing this for years. Plural. I read this thing online that Clive Smith had only been doing it for a couple of months. I know we're not the Fighting Force or anything, but we at least mostly know what we're doing. But most of these guys have no idea what they're doing. That one girl on my squad looks like she's about 10 and this dude William acts like he's freaking Christopher Robin."

Todd stopped him. "Christopher Robin? He's Christopher Robin?" he said, askance.

"The- y'know the guy from frickin'... Winnie the Pooh." Wyatt stammered. " I just mean he's like... it's like in Narnia. All of those kids are so naïve and innocent. It's like being assigned to work with two of the Pevensies. Those kids almost got eaten by a wolf. I kind of hope that happens to these guys."

There was a pause, and Todd said, "Well, what about that other girl in your squad, the taller one? Is she cool?" It was obvious he was trying to change the subject.

Wyatt sighed.

"I don't know, man, she never talks. We walked around the city together for like two hours today and she barely said anything. Not that I can blame her. William started asking us questions about ourselves and I tried to not say anything either. Maybe she's got the right tact. Maybe if I'd started it earlier I wouldn't have to talk to him as much..."

"Have you said anything to your dad since you left?" Todd said suddenly.

Wyatt stopped pacing. He looked at Todd.

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