Chapter Eleven- Kasey

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I opened my eyes to see a face that meant the world to me. Usually I wasn't a sentimental type, but with him... I got up quietly and went to the bathroom.

I came back to him and decided to wake him up, because I couldn't live so long without contact. I put my arm around his neck and pressed my nose against his. Eventually he felt my breath on his face and stirred. He opened his eyes and kissed me. We sat there for a while, lips together, not giving a care about anything else in the world. The couch was not very comfy as a bed, but we made do with it.

Now I felt obliged to check on Riley and Erin. Earlier on the beach they had ruined our moment, so I felt like they needed a taste. Unbelievably, I opened the curtains to their bunk and saw them making out. So as loud as I could, I said "ew."

They pulled away, laughing. I wondered if they felt the same way about each other that I did for Ethan.

It didn't matter, either way. I'd heard Ethan and Erin talking about me. There was no way that this was true. My own boyfriend.

My own boyfriend... if my own partner was against me, does that mean that I'm wrong? Obviously, if Riley's mad it is because it was directed at her. And if Erin is mad, then it's because I was rude to her girlfriend.

But Ethan had bias too. Actually, he was biased against Riley yet he still agreed with her!

Maybe I was a little rude.

"Sorry," I mumbled to Riley. "I'm dealing with a lot of stuff right now, and I just don't need another overwhelming thing in my life. I helped you set up your business, now I really just... I just wanna go home with Ethan."

My heart pounded. These last few days on the beautiful beach had taken my breath and stolen my heart. Ethan and I were now like a real couple. But now I felt weighed down by Erin and Riley's presence. Maybe it was better if we cut off for a couple weeks.

"Oh." Riley got up and looked me in the eye. "We can go back, if you want." She seemed sad. "When my grandma drops off the resin and supplies, I'll have her pick you up."

"What about Ethan?"

"What about him?" Riley asked right back. "Does he want to leave, too?"

Ethan was up and around now, so he shook his head. "I want to spend more time with them," he said to me. I could tell he was sorry, but that didn't make up for it.

"Fine! FINE! I hope you are all happy that you've changed my life for better or worse!" I grabbed my bag, which was packed, and left the RV. I waited outside. It was better than being inside. 

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