Chapter Twenty-Eight- Kasey

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As Riley slammed the door on her way out, I felt a pang of sadness. If she was going off to college... what would happen to our friendship? Since 2014...

Ethan snapped me out of it with a kiss. He just turned me around and hugged me, also kissing me. He was such a good boyfriend. I didn't deserve him.

"Well, what are we gonna do about it?" I crossed my arms and leaned into him.

He rested his head atop mine. "We can't really do anything," he sighed. "But we can hope that she refuses the offer or stops being mad at us." I looked into his brown eyes and hoped too.

My mom texted me that night while me and Ethan were making out. I think it was something along the lines of, "Kasey, we're appalled at what you made your sister watch and blah blah inappropriate blah blah sister blah blah," but I only glanced at it for a moment before Ethan pulled me back on the bed and we continued our journey.

Halfway through the night, there was a knock on the door just like last night. So we giggled softly, still kissing each other, and slid under the covers to make it look like we were sleeping. Ethan's mom came in and sighed.

Once she was gone, we pulled the covers off distractedly and continued.

At about 3 AM, Ethan pushed me away with a melodramatic sigh. "We have to sleep at some point." He flopped on the bed with a defeated look. "I don't want to stop, but we have to sleep or my mom will... suspect something."

I grabbed my phone and slid under the covers with him. "My family says I can go home, so long as we don't... do anything." I scrolled through my texts with a sigh. Why was there so much sighing? Everything was so depressing.

His eyes lit up. "I can come with you?" His eyes then faltered. "My parents won't let me."

I shook my head and gave him a quick kiss. "I think it's time we spent some apart." I turned over so I wasn't facing him and set my phone down. "I love you. I really do. But Riley needs time to cool off, so I might as well. My mom is probably mad that I ran away too."

Ethan touched my shoulder, but then moved his hand. "Alright." He turned over too, and we eventually slept.

"Pack up," Ethan rushed me, scooping up my clothes and pens. "Let's go."

I laughed and stuffed it all in my two bags, then slung one over my shoulder and the other I carried. "Bye." I kissed him on the lips for a split second and then ran to my car. My mom and sister were inside, waiting for me.

Ethan looked sad. I guess he had a reason, but I still felt tremendously guilty as I opened my door.

"Kasey, do you understand the rules now?" My mom said and looked at me in the rearview mirror as she turned out of their driveway.

I grumbled. "Sure."

My sister, Kallie, gave me a weird look but didn't talk. I slumped my face against the window of my seat and stayed silent throughout the whole ride.

My mom cleared her throat halfway through the ride. "Dad and me would like to have a talk with you when we get home about... ahem... safety." I facepalmed quite literally.

Kallie seemed to know exactly what that meant and scowled at me. "You're gross." She said. I just rolled my eyes.

Soon she would have a boyfriend that she was "totally in love with" and kiss him and do that stuff with him. I didn't want that to be anytime soon... but I couldn't be a hypocrite. My mind was on Ethan now, trying to escape the car mentally.

Once we reached home, dad was waiting for us on the front porch. I almost died right then and there, but willpower for seeing Ethan again kept me going. "Hi." He said to me, then pulled me into a hug. I almost died again.

My phone buzzed. It was Erin. "Can I...?" I motioned to my phone.

My mom came over. "Not if it's that boyfriend of yours." She checked the caller tag, and saw that it was Erin. "Oh, that older girl? Do Riley's parents know about them?" I sighed and answered the phone. Erin wouldn't want to wait.

"Hi, what is it?" I answered once I was out of hearing distance with my family. Erin's end was static-y, but she eventually answered. "Riley's really down. If you could.... I don't know, apologize? Really, I know, it was her that was wrong, but for the life of me I can't get her to apologize!"

I couldn't stop my smile.

"Yeah... she thinks she's always right. Arrogant, yes, but I guess she is going to college 2 years early." There was an awkward silence. I broke it. "Yeah, I think we should just wait. If she doesn't tell me sorry before the start of college... I'll just have to send her chocolate or something." I laughed, but Erin seemed skeptical.

"She likes chocolate?"

I laughed again. "Yeah. Loves it. She would probably give me up for a lifetime supply." I could sense Erin's unease through the phone. She was only a couple hundred feet away. "Well, probably not if we were okay with each other, but when she's mad she'll do a lot for revenge just to be right in the end." I explained. I didn't want Erin to break up with Riley, let alone because of something I said.

"Bye." Erin said exasperatedly. "Talk to you later." I answered instinctively and hung up. I walked back over to my family and followed them inside for a heated discussion.  

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