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"Im Tabitha with your morning Denver News. Neighbors here on Monroe street stated that they heard gunshots and screams coming from newly released inmate Hunter Jones house. We have confirmed that Hunter himself was pronounced dead at the scene, along with two others that suffered gunshot wounds one to the chest and one to the head. Authorities are unclear with what took place, however it appears there may have been a murder suicide that took the lives of three. The other individuals that were pronounced dead on the scene will remain anonymous until their families have been notified. Back to you Dru!"


Joy stood there for a moment before she took the microphone. Her Aunt Shay and her Aunt Dani both stood by her side as she wiped her tears away.

"Take your time baby," her Aunt remarked.

"I just wanted to read a letter I wrote to my daddy," Joy sniffed.

Her aunties rubbed her back as she took a moment to collect herself.

"Dear Daddy,

I love you..." Joy took a moment as tears came running down her face.

"I miss you and I'm really sad that you're not here with me. I'm sad that I can't do our h-handshake anymore. I miss your hugs, kisses, and our tik tok videos. I don't know what to do now," Joy read and then stopped as she cried in her Aunt Dani's arms.

Her aunt then took the letter and wiped her eyes as she finished it for her.

"I don't know what to do now. You were my best friend. It was you and me against the world and now my world is gone. I will never forget our fountain song and the love you gave me. You were the best dad in the world. I will never forget you. I love you so much daddy. I wish this was a bad nightmare. I'm scared and sad that I will be alone now. Mommy left me and now you're gone too. Why me? All I want is my dad. I hope that in heaven you will be able to create lots of handshakes with all the cool angels you will meet. Send one down here for me. Tell Avery, my baby brother I said hi and that I love you guys. As I grow older, I hope I make you proud. I love you daddy... until next time.

Love daddy's girl Joy."

Family and friends stood up and clapped for Joy as her aunts helped her have a seat. While the funeral went on, Meghan sat at home scrolling through her social media feed and seen pictures of James & Mona's pictures floating around from mutual friends, family, and current or past coworkers. She had no idea who was over the celebration of life and figure it was best that she stay put.

She wiped the tears that fell from her eyes as Memories of them reciting poetry at open mics flooded her mind as she smiled a bit to herself. Meeting him was one of the best things that ever happened to her despite their mishaps. She was somewhat content knowing that he had a chance to meet Imani before his departure, but saddened a beautiful soul like him was gone too soon.

Devin laid flowers on Mona's casket as he watched them lower her into the ground. He wished he had the opportunity to get to know her for her and not be sucked into her mother's manipulative ways. He regretted any parts of ruining her life and wished he could take it all back.

He watched as her mother approached him and attempted to give him a hug. Devin stood back rejecting it.

"Did you have anything to do with Hunter's early release?" He questioned.

"W-what? No! I would n-

Something about his early release right when Mona decided to go on vacation back to Denver just didn't sit right with him. He couldn't prove that her mother had anything to do with it, but he wasn't sure how he'd ever find out now that all three key people that would know were no longer here.

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