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It seemed as if the birds chirped the same song around 6:30 in the morning right outside the bedroom window seal. But, it didn't matter Mona. Although the same song seemed to wake her up, it couldn't get her out of bed no matter how hard James tried.

Mona couldn't seem to fathom the fact that her son was no where to be found. She couldn't function anymore without him. All she ever wanted to do was be a mother and she couldn't stomach losing another kid. Hunter's number changed and figured he was off somewhere in California and getting in touch with his parents was a dead end as well.

Mona didn't know what to do. She was tired of getting the same response from the detectives about the missing child's case for Avery, which was were working on it. Mona had created a Facebook page for Avery's disappearance, she's made flyers, contacted the FBI, and still hasn't gotten any closure. She felt them put in a lot of effort in the first month and then they seemed to stop caring. He had to be with Hunter she thought. She refused to believe that he was gone. She couldn't.

- Three months ago...-

James sat in the hospital room adjacent to Mona as they both chewed on fresh McDonald's fries. Joy laid on the couch in the hospital room with a blanket they provided over her. James didn't want to wake her because he wanted to talk to Mona about something Important while it was just the two of them.

"Thank you so much," Mona spoke with her mouth full.

"No worries," James nodded.

The two of them locked eyes before looking away.

"There's something I want to ask you," James spoke up.

Mona glared over at him as she waited.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner that Avery was mine?" James wondered.

He looked at her with hurt in his eyes. He was fighting back tears because he knew that Mona was in far more pain and didn't want to cause anymore to her than she was already in.

"Oh my God Avery!" Mona gasped.

James screwed his face confused while Mona looked around the bed for her phone, while wincing in pain.

"What is it? What do you need me to do?" James questioned and stood his feet with urgency.

"I need my phone I need to call Hunter or Mrs. Cohan someone... I don't know where my child is," Mona panicked.

James eyes widened as he looked at her with disbelief. His initial thought was Why do you want to call him out of all people?  But, he understood why.

"Can you help me find my phone?" Mona asked as tears fell from her eyes.

"Baby just calm down he's fine," James encouraged as he helped.

"I can't calm down," Mona cried.

James sat there trying to offer as much support as he could. After much of no success, Mona requested to speak to the nurses.

"Yes ma'am you called for a nurse?"

"Yes, I need to see if it's possible to get in touch with the social worker from the hospital or the police that questioned me. I need to find my son," Mona remarked.

"I do understand that however, if you need to follow up with the case then you would need to visit the police station in downtown denver and let them know you have more concerns," The nurse uttered.

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