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Mona sat there braiding her clients hair as she gossiped on her phone about her nigga cheating on her with some side bitch. Mona mentally Rolled her eyes. It wasn't nothing that she didn't hear on a daily.

Her business was thriving with social media's help and networking. She thanked God everyday that she was able to do what she loved and profit from it, so she couldn't complain about that.


She knew that voice all too well as she shot her head up in that direction.

"What are you doing here?" Mona questioned.

"I just wanted to see what you were up to you haven't been answering my phone calls or texts," He mentioned.

"Well because I have a fiancé who doesn't want me to talk to Hunter..." Mona Spoke low.

"You said fiancé..... not you," he added.

"But what part of fiancé doesn't register with you?" Mona glared at him.

"Let's talk about this about over dinner shall we," he stated.

Mona sighed as she looked at Hunter over the table set for two. She couldn't believe she was actually getting ready to entertain him.

"I'm here now what!" She remarked.

Hunter smirked at her as he looked at the menu. Mona scoffed as she snatched the menu out of his hands demanding his attention to be back on her.

"What's all this about Hunter seriously don't play..." Mona questioned with seriousness laced in her voice.

Hunter stared at her for a minute before he spoke.

"Did you know my cousin?"

Mona smiled softly as she tried her hardest to tuck her tears back into the ducks where they belonged. she stared down at her best friends tombstone and kneeled down. The cool breeze whispered against her skin feeling the presence of Sade. she missed her so much and wished she could be here to enjoy life with her. It was taken at such a young age and it wasn't fair. She was robbed.

"I miss and love you so much. But he got what he deserved! You continued to soar high like the beautiful soul you are," Mona smiled.

Tears fell freely down her face as she looked at her stone. She placed the flowers gently down and leaned in to peck her stone.

"I promise I'll make you proud, " she whispered.

Mona stood to her feet and looked up in the sky. She couldn't control the emotions flowing through her as more tears flowed.

She reached up to her face with her arms to wipe away the emotions and felt a hand on her shoulder. She jumped slightly and turned to see Hunter behind her.

"You alright?"

He spoke low.

"Y-yeah," Mona nodded as she tried to regulate her breathing. "It's just my first time seeing her. I couldn't handle it before so I never came....but I felt like I needed too. What are you doing here?'

Hunter looked at his hands and then looked up at her.

"I came to see my cousin....Ron. He got murdered like 3 weeks ago,"

He confessed.

Mona's eyes widened at the new and felt sick to her stomach.

"Sorry to hear that," Mona spoke low as she started to walk.

That was until he gently grabbed her hand

"You....knew him didn't you?"

He wondered.

Mona stared at him for a while and smiled small.

"Nah....I didn't," she cooed softly and walked away.

She didn't know who Ron was and never did. However, hunter knew deep down that she did.

Mona swallowed and shook her head.

"Didn't know you had a cousin..." she denied.

"My cousin Ron was murdered 3 years ago.... I feel lik-

"Feel like what?" Mona stared at her trying to decipher what he was getting at.

Hunter Looked at her for a minute and chuckled.

"Nothing," he chuckled.

"What does this have to do with why you wanted me to come here?" Mona questioned.

Hunter looked at her and licked his lips softly before he started confiding her with some information she wasn't expecting to hear as her eyes widened.

"Stop," James uttered.

He looked at Joy as she continued to jump off the monkey bars onto the ground.  James hopped out quick feeling his anxiety raise through the roof.

"You're are about to give me a heart attack stop Joy," he mentioned.

"Whatttt?" She laughed as she rushed toward him.

James widened his eyes and although the normal type of parent would've stayed there to see what the kid wanted instead James ran away laughing as the inner kid in him came out.

Joy cackled loudly as she continued running after her daddy. She was pretty fast for her age as she caught up to her daddy and tackled him. James sent laughter into the air as he purposely fell and pretended to be hurt by Joy. This only made her laugh more as she began to tickle him.

"I got you! I got you!" She squealed.

"You did!" He laughed.

"You're turn!!" Joy laughed as she hopped up and ran away.

James got up and looked after joy as he took his phone out and hit Mona a text asking where she was. She should've been off work by now and didn't know if she was already home. He quickly sent her the message and ran after Joy hoping to get a reply from her.  What he didn't know is that two could play that game.

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