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"What am I supposed to do?" Mona cried softly.

Mrs. Cohan stared at her for a while before jotting down some notes.

"Do you have any friends Ms. Wright?" Her therapist wondered.

"Not close friends... it's been hard for me to get close to anyone since Sade died," Mona remarked while mentioning her previous best friend.

Ron killed her and she didn't deserve it. Sade was simply at the wrong place at the wrong time.

Mrs. Cohan modded she jotted more notes down.

"I had a miscarriage.... we were supposed to have a family and now we're here. He's expecting a kid, he already has an eight year old, and here I am just getting paid dust," Mona expressed.

Her therapist could hear the hurt in her voice and softly placed her hand on hers.

"Let it out Mona... you're safe here!" She reassured.

Mona modded while wiping her nose with a Kleenex.

"How's your parents doing? Have you told them all of this?"

Mona chuckled as she remembered the one time three years ago that she introduced them to James leading to a big fight between them in her parents drive way.

"My mom is okay but my dad just never really cared about him. But, I haven't spoke to either of them in a while.." she confessed.

"I really think you could benefit from journaling your feelings Mona. It seems to me like you may have shut the world out and not giving yourself a chance to really heal and surround yourself with positive people. You've been your entire self into your relationship that you've lost yourself," Mrs. Cohan advised

Mona nodded her head as she cried more. Mrs. Cohan waited a few moments for her to get herself together before proceeding with the session.

"I want you to know that I'm here for you," Hunter uttered.

Mona nodded as she looked out the window. She had just finished her session with Mrs. Cohan about her relationship and her life. She wasn't sure of what her next steps were but she knew that there needed to be a change.

"How's oh boy doing?" He wondered as he drove off.

It had been a few days since James release from the hospital. Mona had told Hunter about his accident and everything she was dealing with right now. Every time she vented Hunter was making mental notes. Mona was vulnerable and a very open person. Hunter knew the moment he met her three years ago that while working with her she was an east person to get over on.

"I honestly don't know," Mona confessed.

"Wow," Hunter blurted. "I'm surprised"

"I'm going to go check on him soon... and his daughter. I really miss her," Mona spoke lowly.

She couldn't keep her eyes from watching the scenery around them as they rode in the car to some soft r&b tunes that played in the background. She simply wished that she could somehow push the reset button on her relationship, but she knew that things would get better with time.

"You must be really close to her..."

Mona looked over at him and nodded with a small smile.

"I bet," Hunter smiled too. "I want kids and a wife"

"Yeah?" Mona stared.

"Of course! I want a wife to come home to and see my little rascals running around after a long day of work," Hunter chuckled.

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