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Mona called James over and over that night before receiving a call from his mom. A call that she never thought she would receive.

She wiped her tears and hopped out of the bed. She hadn't slept since he left here drunk and a part of her felt responsible for what's happened. She knew that she should've stopped him. She knew that he was upset and now he was in the hospital.

What was the future going to look like? Who hit who? Was James going to go to jail? Mona had so many questions, but the main thing she knew she had to worry about was if he was ok.

"God please let him be ok," Mona spoke aloud as she drove to the hospital.

Tears flowed down her eyes as she rushed to the hospital. She couldn't stop her mind from racing with so many thoughts. She had so many emotions running through her mind.

After a few minutes, Mona parked at the hospital James was admitted and hopped out quickly. The winter air hit her face as she walked fast throughout the parking lot. Mona paced herself as she walked rapidly. It was snowing in Denver, which made her feel even worse knowing that James was out driving drunk in the snow. Once Mona made it inside, she immediately spoke with the staff members to see if she was granted access to see him.

"There's only two guest allowed in the room at the moment, so if I can get you to wait for a second in the waiting room we'll let you know when it's okay to go back," the staff member informed.

"Umm, who's back there?" Mona wondered.

Although James wasn't the only child, he didn't really have a relationship with his other siblings that were on his biological side of his family. That's when she chuckled herself. Of course it was two people back there. It would be his mom and Joy.

"I'm sorry I'll take a seat," Mona chuckled to herself.

She took a seat still laughing at herself. She was so worried and nervous at the same time that she couldn't help but to question things. She then took out her phone and decided to call his mom just so that she could feel some type of solace that he was okay.

"Hello?" his mom answered.

"Hey Ma how are you?"

"I'm doing good baby just trying to get Joy in the bed. My sister in town and she trying to help me. My little friend not here anymore. He got deployed,"

"Oh I'm sorry to hear that, but I'm glad that your sister is here to help you. Does she live in Denver?" she wondered.

"Oh nooo...my sister lives in Detroit."

"Oh ok, I just made it to the hospital not long ago. I thought you were here," Mona remarked. "They said he had two visitors back there already and I'm out here waiting"

"Oh yeah..he wanted me to call his friend Niko and his coworker. But, I'm gonna tell you... that coworker of his sure wasn't acting like one and that's all ima say."

Mona screwed her face and nodded her head. "Ok, ma. Um is he doing ok?"

"GLORY TO GOD HE IS! I was soooo worried baby! I was so worried. But thank God he's okay. I know I may not have long before God calls me home, but I NEVER want to bury my child before me. Whew that would break my heart Mona," James mom reacted.

"I know it would and I'm grateful that he's ok. I can't wait to see him, hopefully it won't be much longer. I thank you for calling me..apparently he didn't think it was necessary to call me," Mona's voice cracked.

"Well no baby I wouldn't say that, you know them doctors be putting you on that medication so he's not in his right mind. He was back there for a while, I just don't know what I'm going to do with Joy because when the police arrived on the crash scene the other person had left and the police said that James denied to take a sobriety test and when he gets released from the hospital, they're going to take him to the station to detain him," she informed.

Mona closed her eyes and grabbed the bridge of her nose with her thumb and index finger. She tried to fight her tears and didn't know if she was more sad or frustrated at this point.

"Thank you Ma...I'm going to try to see what's going on okay? I'll cal you later today...its like going on 3 in the morning now.."

"Okay baby. You try to have a good night," she remarked.

Mona nodded as tears fell. She cleared her throat before telling James mother goodbye and hanging up the phone.

Mona sighed deeply and began praying for James silently in her head. It was long before she saw Niko walking toward the staff member that gave her a visitor pass. Mona was familiar with Niko. He befriend James over the love of basketball during year two of him and Mona's relationship. However, she wasn't familiar with the woman Niko was with. She figured that she go up to him to find out if she could finally get a chance to see James.

"Hey," Mona stated.

Niko looked at her shockingly and at the woman that was next to him.

"Hey Mo," Niko mentioned.

"Hey girl...I'm Yana...I heard a lot about you," she smiled while reaching her hand out.

Mona smile politely and shook her hand. "I see you two are expecting, congratulations"

"Oh no...this isn't...um no we aren't together," Niko remarked. "Um...you should probably go speak to James"

Mona looked at Niko strangely and then back at Yana. Was this the coworker that wasn't really a coworker? What the fuck was going on here?

"Who are you and how do you know James?" Mona questioned.

"I'm just his co-worker that's all. But, we're getting ready to leave and let you have his alone time with him. It might be the only time we get that privilege you know?" she shrugged and signed out with Niko.

Mona stood there feeling dumbfounded and still lost as to what was going on. She watched the two of them enter the elevator as Yana smiled at Mona while rubbing her extremely pregnant stomach.

"Mona I have to talk to you"

"Oh yeah..he wanted me to call his friend Niko and his coworker. But, I'm gonna tell you... that coworker of his sure wasn't acting like one and that's all ima say."

Mona watched as the elevator door closed as tears hit her cheeks aggressively.


Mona looked in the direction of the voice.

"Room 7"

Mona nodded and walked through the hospital door granting her access to James room floor. With each step she took, the more tears fell from her eyes. She didn't want to jump to conclusions or overthink this situation. How could he? Was this really true? Is this why he's been distant? Well, there was only one way to find out for sure.

Mona took a deep breath before opening Room 7 to see James on the bed.

"James," Mona spoke lowly.

*special thanks to everyone who reads and supports this story. Thanks for still being there for this throughout the writers block and hiatus Ive taken. Once this story is completed i will write one last Cb fanFic and I won't be writing anymore. And if I do it may be to finish uncompleted stories. Thank you once again. I hope you all continue to enjoy this because shits bout to get real lol.

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