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"Are you James Andrews?"  A police questioned.

"Umm yes, what's going on?" He wondered.

"Turn around and put your hands behind your back for me?" The officer demanded.

"But why?" James screwed his face.

"You're not under arrest your just being detained," then officer added. "Hands behind your back"

James continued questioning the officer as he was turned around aggressively. All he could think about was his daughter. He didn't do anything to deserve to be detained and the fact that the officers wouldn't tell him anything about what was going on pissed him off even more. However, James decided to be quiet for the sake of his daughter and waited until he got to the station to speak.

"Mr. Andrews I'm officer Wen. I'm here to talk about Cheyenne Miller who was murdered tonight," he announced.

"Wh-hat?" James questioned genuinely.

"Did you know Ms. Miller ?" Officer Wen inquired.

James watched the other officer in the interrogation room put the recorder on the table. He then took a seat with a notepad and looked up at James.

"I did..." James spoke truthfully.

"And what was your re

"We received a call from a male named Hunter.... said that you and Cheyenne were close and used to be in a gang together. He said back in the day you guys planned to do a big robbery and because you dropped out you and her became enemies. Would this be correct?" The officer questioned.

"I was close with Cheyenne because we used to work together but that was three years ago. We used to work at a barbershop together. That was all," James lied.

"Hmm..." the officer nodded.

James stared at him blankly and looked over at the other officer continue to jot down his notes.

"Do you know Hunter?" He inquired.

"Yes sir... my ex girlfriend is with a Hunter. Hunter Mills...." James spoke honestly.

"That's who made the 911 call. Do you believe that Hunter murdered Cheyenne?" Officer Wen wondered.

James shrugged his shoulders. He didn't put it passed him, but he didn't want to be involved in anything that had anything to do with him. He no longer felt the need to get back at Hunter and wished him and Mona the best.

"I don't know," James answered.

Officer Wen looked at him for a second studying his eyes. James stared back without an ounce of fear in his heart. He was an innocent man. Although he felt bad for Cheyenne , he could only pray that whoever did it wasn't coming for him next.

"That's all... you're free to go," he broke the silence.

James headed out of the station and called Meghan.


"Hey Meg...I know we're supposed to be celebrating later but I actually need your help with something," he spoke.

"Yeah what's up?" She questioned.

"Can you come pick me up from the police station?" He questioned.

"Uh... sure," she remarked.

"Thank you so much!" James expressed.

James took and waited until Meghan texted that she was outside. Once he got int he car, he immediately started venting about Hunter.

"I don't want shit to do with nun of that shit no more like I have too much going on right now," James spoke irritably.

"Do you think they will question you any further?" She wondered.

James sighed as he looked out the window.

"I hope not because I don't have shit to do with it. I'm just nervous that they'll pull my damn file or some shit and look deeper into that damn robbery you know? Cheyenne was on the damn loose for years and although I never participated in the actually robbery they may try to get my ass just for knowing her," he panicked.

"Calm down James... it's going to be alright I promise," Meghan reassured.

"Put this address in tour gps!" James demanded.


"Just do it!" He snapped.

Meghan put in the gps and looked over at James. He looked at the window the rest of the ride to whenever the gps was leading her. She had no idea where she was going, but she trusted her friend. However, seeing him in this state bothered her.

"James where am I?"

"Pull into the complex and ima tell you where to park," he blurted .

Meghan sighed softly as she followed his orders. Once she finished parking, James hopped out of her car quickly. He rushed toward that familiar door and upon arrival he saw Mona opening the door on her way out. But, that didn't phase James as he forced himself in slamming her door shut behind her. He then gripped her arm backing her into a corner with his finger in her face. This caught Mona off guard and scared the shit out of her.

"You tell your motherfucking bitch ass boyfriend to keep me the FUCK out of his mess you hear me? I swear to God if I get caught up in some shit because that bitch trying to pin some shit against me because of you I swear Mona! I swear on my daughter! DONT FUCKING PLAY WITH ME!" He spat viciously.

Mona looked up at him with fear in her eyes and before she could crack a word, Hunter stepped in her apartment.

"Woooah woooah wooshhh now... get your damn hands off of her!" Hunter spoke while pushing James.

This only sent James landing a punch to his face causing him to hit the ground cold.

"FUCK WITH ME IF YOU WANT TO NIGGA! Come on!" James roared as he kicked him causing Hunter to groan in agony.

"JAMES!" Mona shouted.

"Man fuck you! Don't say a fucking thing to me!" He looked at Mona.

Her heart broke into a million pieces as she watched James walk out. She had never seen him so angry before and honestly had no idea why he was so upset with him so abruptly. She had no clue as to what Hunter had been plotting against him. She was blinded by wanting to be loved in the wrong ways.

Here was the moment she didn't know whether to check on Hunter or run after the man she once loved.

"Is everything okay?" Meghan asked James.

James slammed the car door shut and reached over pressing his lips on Meghan's. He knew that they were focusing on a platonic relationship, but in this moment he didn't give a fuck about anything. He needed to find a way to feel alive again... to feel like himself again.

"Yeah, I'm good now! I did something I should've done long time ago," he remarked while feeling his knuckles throb.

*really sorry about the wait. I've been distracted by work, baby sitting my niece, getting over a sinus infection (no ain't no corona over here lol) i had to get an emergency root canal due to pain, and a bunch of allergies and other problems lol so thanks for waiting. I will try to update again because I know this wasn't the longest and for the wait I will try to update at least two more chapters.

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