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Mona sat in front of Mrs Cohan as she grabbed a few Kleenex tissues that sat in front of her.  She had dug deeper into her past for the last forty five minutes and she couldn't help the tears that collided down her face. She never revisited being raped by her own brother. Although his death took her by surprise a few years ago, she never thought she would need to talk about the hurt he caused her. Mona wasn't even sure if she gave herself the time to grieve properly. Mona was great at taking care of everything for everyone else but she somehow forgot about herself.

"Tell me what's going on," Mrs Cohan asked.

"I just never talked about it and....I ju-

Mona choked up unable to finish her sentence. Mrs. Cohan grabbed her and took her into her arms allowing her to weep. Mona Broke as she thought about her mother and how every time she wanted that touch she was dismissed.

"I'm so sorry," Mrs. Cohan whispered softly to her.

"I don't know if you realize or not Ms. Mona but you've been in a cycle of abuse.... and I don't want that for your relationship," Mrs. Cohan added.

Mona shot up and distances herself from her as her demeanor automatically grew defensive.

"My boyfriend has never been abusive to me what are you talking about?" Mona argued.

"I don't want that for your relationship because the pattern has to be broken. What I need from you is to identify what it is you want from your boyfriend. Be clear on what you want so he isn't dishonoring and disrespecting you which could lead to abuse," she instructed.


"Have you considered that maybe that's not what he wants anymore and has a change of heart?"

Mona gave her a death stare. Was she serious? A few chuckles escaped her lips before she grabbed her purse and aggressively walked out ignoring Mrs. Cohan's plea to come back.

"Ion know who the fuck she think she is..." Mona mumbled.
Mona Found herself chugging down some alcohol. It was about her fourth drink and she didn't have any plans on slowing down.

"Woahhh slow down girl," hunter uttered.

Mona chuckled as she swayed in her seat. Hunter had invited her to a bar that wasn't too far from where he stayed.

"I really should be going...." Mona Laughed.

"Are you sure?" He questioned.

Mona Nodded her head as she grabbed her purse from off the counter.

"Hurry and take me home," Mona stated.

As much as she wanted to drink her problems away, she couldn't help the fact but to still feel numb on the inside.

"You could always come home with me until you sober up," he suggested.

"Yeahhhh no," she chuckled. "The last time I was at your house things didn't turn out well"

"Oh yeah?" His eyebrow raised. "Didn't seem that way!"

"SSHHHH!" Mona whispered loudly. "Nothing happened"

Hunter stared at her for a minute before chuckling. He then led his way to his car as Mona stumbled behind him. She got in shooting his attempt to open her car door. She was too fucked up to even think right now. 

Hunter got into the drivers side and stared at Mona groan and rest her head on his window. He laughed a little to himself before he took off and headed to her apartment. The ride home was silent except for the slow r&b that played on the radio.

Everything so was so delayed thanks to the liquor that she indulged tonight. She wondered what James was doing. She wondered why he hadn't noticed her anymore. She couldn't figure out what it was she was doing wrong.

"You ok?" Hunter asked.

Mona Ignored him as she stared out the window as light rain began coming down. All she could think about was sinking into her mans arms and smelling his scent. He felt absent even though they slept in the same bed. Something had changed and Mona was closer and closer to leaving.

Hunter soon pulled up in her complex and put the car in park. He gently grabbed her chin causing her to face him. He could see the hurt in her eyes.

"You want to talk about it?"

"Wait right here..."

Is all she said before she walked into the house getting ready to do something she didn't even think she had the courage to do.

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