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"So here's the information here on our facility and you can let us know if you're interested. In case you forget the amenities and what our living facility offer is all in this brochure here. I highlighted the security deposit and monthly rates for each model we offer and my card," the agent remarked. 

James nodded as grabbed the packet of information. 

"Nana gonna be living here?" Joy questioned. 

James looked over at Joy quickly and then at the leasing agent. "Thank you," 

She nodded with a quick smile as she watched James and Joy walked out of the office. 

"I don't want Nana to live there," Joy frowned. 

"Well Nana has to baby," James replied. 

"Why?" Joy wondered. 

"It's better for her," James answered. 

"But why?" Joy wondered more. 

James sighed softly. He knew that she was curious but what was he supposed to tell her? He didn't know what the future held, but he was faithful that everything concerning his mother would be taken care of. 

"Where we going now?" Joy questioned. 

"I'm waiting on Auntie to come so we can go back home," James uttered. 

"Can I ride my bike when we get to nana house?" she wondered. 

"Sure," James stated. 

James sighed as he looked at his watch. He didn't understand why his aunt would leave after dropping them off. After talking to his bank, it appeared that they had repossessed his car after determining a financial issue. Truth was, James didn't know he was behind and what they explained to him was that every time he paid after the grace period was still considered late. Therefore, over the course of three years it appeared as if James had been late over one hundred times. 

"Is she coming yet?" Joy asked. 

James looked at her and chuckled at her. Joy had started dancing around while waiting. She was truly his kid and there was no DNA test has could prove that to him. 

"Hopefully she will be here soon," he remarked. 

James took that time to glance at his phone and noticed a missed call from Meghan. He clicked on her contact and decided to give her a call.

"Hello?" she answered 

"Sorry I missed your call what's up?"

"Oh you at work?" she wondered. 

"No I'm with my daughter, " James uttered. 

"Oh...I just wanted to tell you that there's another open mic tonight just wanted to see if you wanted to come through," she invited. 

"Not this time but I appreciate it Meg...just going through a lot right now," he stated. 

"I understand...maybe you could write about it. I think you have a bit of skills on your hand," she encouraged. 

"Yeah well, poetry is something I never thought about looking into until the open mic you invited me to but I might....I don't know, but ima hit you up later," James stated. 

"Okay cool...later," she stated. 

Although him and Meghan had a sexual encounter, the two of them had developed a platonic relationship over the short period of knowing each other. Meghan was a breath of fresh air to James. She was sweet, down to earth, hardworking, talented, and beautiful. Meghan was someone he could definitely see himself with because of her qualities and characteristics, however his heart wasn't ready to move on yet. He was going to take his time.  

James understood now the importance of a foundation and great friendship first before moving into something serious.  He often blamed himself for jumping the gun on the relationship he had with Mona, but he also couldn't help the fact that he was deeply in love with her. If he had it his way, he'd still marry her. He just wanted to make sure they were both ready for that step, but it turns out that they clearly weren't. 

Still, he wanted to remain optimistic about his future relationships, but his heart was still with Mona. He wanted to smell her scent again and hold her close to him. He wanted to feel her love and be near her. He wanted to watch her mannerisms and her interaction with Joy. But, he knew that you couldn't always get what you wanted in life. However, James was going give it one last try. 

After a long day of spending much needed time with his daughter, James walked into Mona's shop thirty minutes before closing. His heart shattered seeing Hunter in her chair. She was really fucking with this dude? James looked at the roses he had in his hand and decided to put them back in Niko's car. 

"Bruh...." he called out. 

"Man...I'm not giving her these. She in there with that nigga Hunter. She really fucking with this nigga" 

Niko shook his head. "Bruh, she's hurt dude. You should've seen the way he looked at us at the hospital. But if she aint been there for you bruh then let it go it's time" 

"What would you do if this was Denise?"

"Me and Denise are two different people with different problems bruh" 

James leaned over the car, however had his eyes glued to the shop. Niko was chattering away as he barely listened to a word that came out of his mouth. 

"NIGGA!" Niko shouted. 

James snapped out of his trance giving Niko his attention.

"You heard anything I said?"

"Hold on" James stated while holding up his finger. 

"Alright see it's gonna b- " 

Mona looked up at the sound of the door chiming open and laid eyes on James. Her heart smiled, but she remained pokerfaced and looked at Hunter. 

"It's on me....but give me a second," she spoke low. 

Hunter nodded and hopped out of the chair. James glared at him and thought about knocking him to his back, but figured that now wasn't the place. Hunter smirked at him on his way out making James fire up on the inside. He knew it wasn't good to envy anyone, but he couldn't help but to boil on the inside every time he saw his face. 

"Hey" Mona greeted. 

"Hey...can you hook me up?" James asked. 

Mona smiled softly and nodded. 

James smiled back in the same manner and took the seat after Mona disinfected it. 

It had been a minute since Mona had cut James hair. It brought nostalgia to her as reminisced about the start of their love.

James stared at her through the mirror as she began prepping his hair. He smirked a bit at her.

"Don't fuck my shit up now," he joked followed by a chuckle. 

"I'm not you should know how I do," she laughed. 

"Mhm, I'm just waiting...fuck up my shit ima have to beat ya lil boyfriend up," James added. 

Mona face fell as she rolled her eyes. "Not funny...and he's not my boyfriend" 

"Do you have one?" he asked seriously. 

"No," Mona looked in the mirror at him before turning his chair. 

James remained quiet the remainder of the time she spent on cutting his hair. Once she was done, It was time to close up the shop. While, Mona went and cleaned up, James took her business card and wrote his number on the back and for her to meet him at the park.

Would she show up is a question he pondered on. 

to be continued...

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