beans on bagels.

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Chapter 1.
Beans on bagels.

You and your roomate, Roger, we're friends since you were 5. His dream was to be a well knowm drummer in a band, especially his own  queen. You always had a thing for him. Afterall, he was very hot, funny, kind, the whole package, but you decided it was better to stay as friends instead, you didn't like him enough to ruin that.

"I made lunch,love." Roger called from the kitchen.
"Give me a minute."
Roger always called everyone love, you didn't exactly know why, he's done
It since you've known him.
You perch yourself on a stool at the kitchen island. The apartment used to be your nan's, she left it to you. It was pretty spacious for a London apartment.
"What did you make?"
"Beans on bagels."
"I thought it was beans on toast."
"Well, yeah,  this is the Rog special, just for you, secret recipe."
"Oh I feel so special."
"As you should, love."

After you finish eating, you head back to room to get ready for the gig. Queen were playing at a little pub down the road. You were happy that Roger was happy, but God did you hate spending every Saturday at these gigs. They were fun once in a while, but it gets old every week. By the time your ready, Roger was out in the van. You always sat in the front beside Roger. Brian lived above the pub the bands gigs normally were so you only had to pick up John and Freddie. You were meeting up with your boyfriend, you've been together since you were sixteen, at the pub. Oscar understood that you and Roger are like siblings. You asked him to move in with you before you asked Roger, but he said no, that he wanted to be close to his parents. Roger never liked him, you never really knew why, boy stuff, you assumed.

When you arrived at the pub, Oscar was waiting for you at the front door.
"Hey babes, how's it going."
"Hey, yea its good. Cmon let's go in, it's nippy."
"Yeah of course."
The band played well tonight, it was fun. Oscar was drunk so he came back to your place and lay over your whole bed, leaving no space for you. You decide to sleep on the couch so you grab a blanket and pillow.

The couch wasn't comfy at all to lie on, it was too small. You hear the key turn in the door and realise Rogers finally home.
"How come you're on the couch,love."
He asks lifting your feet and resting them on his lap.
"Oscars laying long ways on the bed, no room."
"Now, that's not good."
"It's not."
"You wanna watch a movie? Only If your not tired."
"Yeah, sure, why not."
You sit up, covering Roger in the blanket. He put his arm around you, like he always did when you watched a movie. You haven't properly talked to eachother in ages, both busy with school and what not, so you chat through most of the movie until you find yourself opening up about something.
"I think Oscars cheating on me."
"Why do you think that,love."
"I don't know, he was very distant all night, he's never usually like that, he's normally all touchy feely. And then, he was saying on the phone last night about how he's looking for a new place, so I said he could stay here if his lease runs out and he still doesn't have anywhere, but he said he'll stay with his friend."You start crying, and Roger pulls you closer.
"Do you want to be with him, like realy, if he's putting you through this?"
"I don't know, that's the thing, it's stable, it's familiar, you know, and I love him so I'm going to ride it out until I find something substantial." Even you could here how unconvincing you sounded saying you loved him.
"Hey, stop crying, it's going to be OK, if it goes down hill, you'll still have me, love,  ill pick up the ruins like you do for me. That's why we're friends, we look after eachother."
"I know, I know, now, go you off to bed, you'll be tired in the morning, you have practice."
"OK, only if your OK, love, I'm not going to leave you if your sad."
"I'll be OK, promise."
"OK then, goodnight love."
"Goodnight, Rog."

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