yeetus to the fetus?

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Chapter 15.
Yeetus to the fetus.

"You can terminate the pregnancy, keep or put them up for adoption."
The words of the lady who called wrang in your head. Abortion wasn't for you, if it's for other people you understand, but you couldn't do it. Adoption wasn't right either.

You had called Roger 5 Times he hadn't answered. You figured he was at a show. You'll call him in the morning. You decided to go down to the college library, since it's open all year, and it was a good distraction. You get a bus down, the whole time thinking you're going to be a mother, you always wanted to be a mother, just not at 22, maybe like 28. You were happy it was Rogers, at least, not some drunk. While you're at the University, you leave in a note saying you need to chat to your years advisor.

The first place you go is to the coffee kiosk. You can't have caffeine, so you opt for a tea and bagel. You sit alone, well not really, but you're at peace, no one's bothering you. When you're done you go down to the library. You love reading, it's a good distraction, being able to read about people's lives, or the plot line. You love tragedies, it was stupid why, really, it was just because they made you realise how lucky you were.

You read half of a book, by then the library is closing, so you leave. When you get home, the phones ringing, you answer.
"Hello, love."
"Women aren't going to be the only ones calling you daddy."
"Waif really?" There's excitement in his voice.
"Yes, really."

Rogers pov

"Can I tell the boys?"
"Yeah, sure why not."
We talk for about 2 hours until she's asleep.

I've always wanted to be a dad. It doesn't seem like I'm the type to most people, but I love kids, I've always wanted to be someone's hero, someone they come to when they have an issue, or someone they depend on.

I decide to tell the boys. They are the back of the bus, in freddie's room.
"I have some news."
"Well, darling, what is it." Freddie said, motioning me to sit down.
"Well, about 3 weeks ago, the day before y/n hit her head, we got shitfaced drunk and slept together-"
"Yes, I told you guys, John, Brian, hand it over." Freddie cut me off,bouncing around, while John and Brian both handed him £100.
"Well, you don't have to rub it in our faces." John said rolling his eyes.
"I think Rog was trying to say something." Brian said.
"Yes, well I remember wearing a rubber once, thing is we fucked twice."
"Oh god." John said, in shock.
"Well, yesterday she realised she was late, took a pregnancy test, came back positive, and today she went to the doctors, and around three, they called confirming it." I say, a grin plastered across my very perfect face. Brian got up and pulled me into a hug.
"I don't know whether whether console or congratulate you, a hug does both."
Pulling away I say,
"Well we talked for 2 hours there, she decided to keep the baby, we're going to raise him or her together, without being in a couple."
"Darling, don't think I haven't noticed."
"Noticed what, Fred."
"Well, I've basically been living with the two of you, and I've walked in on you two in the mornings, to wake you up, but I couldn't, because you were always wrapped around her like she was a Teddy. You, my dear, do not cuddle people. You want to do it as a couple."
"Wait how-"
"I know everything, darling. Ive seen the way you look at her, how you rarely left her side when she was near you, you, Roger, are either in love, or in love."
"Woooo Rogers in love woooo." John mocked
"Shut it, deaky." I say, throwing a pillow at him.
Im not going to admit it to them, they know freddies right, and i havent even told her so i leave the room and get ready for bed since I'm tired. Lieing in bed, I think. I think about how all I want to do is go home to her. Go to all her scans, hold her till she's sleeping, tell her I love her.

Hi me again. I know the time zones are different I just can't be assed to be realistic since this is unrealistic anyway.

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