I cant do it.

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Babes, this is actually the last part now, I decided to just add this here, no second book so yeah:)

Chapter 50
I can't do it.

One and a half years later.

Push, my love you've done it once you can do it again." Roger is cooeing into your war, coaxing through the birth of your twins.
"I can't, this is only the first one aswell"
"I know but your strong look at all we've been through together since we decided to have another."

After another ten minutes of pushing the first baby is born, a girl. You push for another few minutes and then a baby boy is born and they are both placed on your chest.
"I think we need a bigger car." You say jokingly to Roger.
"Another car? This day just keeps getting better." He said swiping his shorter hair out of his face. He had cut it  a bit after the wedding. He was still very very hot.

A few hours later, you and the twins and Roger are lying on a bed, Roger holding the girl, you holding the boy.
"We need names." You say.
"What about Anna for the girl?"
"Yeah, I like that. I like Matthew for him."
"So Matthew and Anna."
"Yeah I love you so much."
"I love you more."

The rest of the day It was just the four of you. When the nurses take the twins and put them into there business and leave, Roger cuddles up behind you, nestling his head into your hair. You soon both fell asleep.

The next day, Evie comes in. She's mad about the babies. She sat looking at them all day. You thought your heart could have burst with happiness. This was it, everything you've ever wanted in your life, perfect husband, your first book was being published, three gorgeous children.

Your life was finally how you always dreamed it.

This is actually the end, imagine how the rest happens my creative juices are low. I am very #emo over this ending but I will be a #girlboss and fight through it.

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