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Chapter 23.

"But you said you would be here for two week." You say angrily.
"I know, love, but management want us to leave a week early and we have some press events to go to now and the tour is a month shorter due to the devastating hurricane that hit the east."
"Yeah, but I don't want you to go."
"I dont want to go either, believe me-" he's cut off by the bedroom door swinging open and shouting filling the room.
"Dears, do me a favour would you?"
"Yeah, Fred, what is it."
"Follow me."we both follow him to the living room, where John and Brian are arguing. Freddie picks up a huge shirt that has "get along shirt" written on it in blue marker.
"Help me but this on them, rog."
"Oh, I wouldn't miss this for the world." He says as he stands on the coffee table to reach above brian and try to put the top on him. Brian swiftly picks him up over his shoulder and throws him on the sofa, and return to fighting with John. You can't help but laugh. Roger tries again, this time jumping on Brian's back while Freddie puts the neck of the shirt around him. Freddie grabs for john and puts him at Brian's side, easily enough. When they are In the shirt, freddie ties a belt around John's waist level and ties them into the shirt, facing eachother.
"Now, darlings, me, rog and y/n are going out for lunch, when we get back we expect you to get along."
"I love this so much." You say grabbing your purse.

The three of you go down the road for lunch, knowing they can't move as their arms are tied under the belt. You have a good time even though you can't eat as you feel slightly nauseous because of the  morning sickness.

When you get back, Brian and John are kneeling on the ground, well john is, Brian looks like he's in pain.
"Have you two stopped?" You ask, sitting down infront of them.
"Yes, swear." Brian says, pulling puppy dog eyes.
"OK, darlings, I'll let you out now."Freddie says in a girly voice and prances over and undoes the belt. They get out of the tshirt and jump on top of freddie. The three of them flail around the ground for a solid five minutes before you and Roger decide to break it up.
"So you are all leaving me again tomorrow night I hear."
"It's only five weeks, we'll call you all the time." Brian says, sitting down beside you.
"I know, but I'll miss you guys."
"And we'll miss you."
"Course, how could you not." You say jokingly, getting up to put on the telly and get some blankets.
"John, go make popcorn, we are watching a movie."
"Of course, your majesty."
"That's more like it." You say, climbing on to Rogers lap.
"I love you." He says, kissing your forehead.
"I love you too."
"Wait, you already said it?"
"Well, i said it first at the scan and she said it back so yeah."
"Is it not a bit soon?" Freddie asks, sitting up in the armchair, while John comes back and sits beside you, Roger and Brian on the sofa.
"Too soon for what?" He asks, placing the popcorn on the table.
"To say I love you, I mean, darlings, you aren't even official."
"Yeah, but we already told eachother we did and it would be weird if we waited to say it again when we're official when we already know we love eachother."
"Roger, that is the smartest thing you have ever said, I feel like a proud dad." Brian says, patting Roger like  a dog.
"I'm a pretty smart man, bri, you know this."
"I know, you dont act it most times."
"Sshhh, I want to watch a movie or whatevers on, so John, pick something."
He picks a war movie. Its incredibly dull, but none of you care, you are all talking through it, except you, you can't help but stare at Roger.

You all sit around for a few hours till about 7, when everyone leaves, Freddie staying at Brian's to give you and Roger some privacy. The second they leave, he picks you up bridal style and carries you to your room. Apparently, sleep isn't important, well not as important as fucking you, to Roger. He would say otherwise if you asked him, but that would be a lie and you both knew it.

"Look, y/n, I want to be your boyfriend, but if its too fast-" you cut him off with a kiss.
"Course, I'll be your girlfriend, I love you."

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