new years eve.

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Chapter 36.
New Years Eve.

"I'm 26 weeks pregnant, nothing looks good, even if it did, my hair won't work." You say, frantically looking around your wardrobe.
"Im staying here, you go to Freddies."
"Nope, your coming. What about this?" He asks, holding up a black pencil skirt and a red camisole top.
"That, that might just work, love." You say putting it on. It actually looks good and you pick up a pair of black pumps.
"I need a jacket, I don't have any that match this."
"What about this?" He says holding up black trench coat.
"It will do I guess, why do you always know what goes.?"
"Well, love, I know everything." He says and kisses you. He's already dressed.

(I  kind of imagine him wearing that)

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(I  kind of imagine him wearing that)

"Come on, we'll be late."
"We already are, love, well, if there's paparazzi outside of Fred's house."
"Yeah, they've been trying to see what we've been up to, they want a good article that's all."
"Alright, now come on."
The taxi pulls up outside of freddies, you notice a few paparazzi. You step out of the car and are joined by Roger.
"Oh my god, I can't go in there. I look like shit." You say, looking in the side mirror.
"No, love, you are the most beautiful girl I've ever laid my eyes on and I am one very lucky man to call you my fiancee." He says pulling you in for a kiss. Pulling away, you notice cameras flashing from over the hedge across the drive way.
"Fuck." Roger says, grabbing your hand and leading you inside.
"Hello, darlings, put your coats up on the rack and come on in, you both look fabulous." Freddie says, he loves hosting party's.
"Thanks for having us, Fred."
"Oh, don't be silly, my home is your home. Now come on to the living room, Brian, Ronnie and Deaky are all in waiting." And all three of you walk in and sit down on a vacant space on the L shaped sofa. Roger may aswell be sitting on top of you, he's that close to you, but you don't mind it.
" Ronnie, you are glowing." You say.
"Oh, I don't feel it dear. I feel like everything I eat is gonna spew out of me."
"Trust me, I was the same, it cleared up after the third month." Then a few of Fred's hired help come in and that's when you see him. Roger sees him aswell and instinctively puts a protective arm around you and pulls you closer to him.
"I'm sorry, darling, I tried to tell them he can't be here, but the company said that's against the contract to kick him out. I didn't know he was coming." Freddie, whispered to you, apologetically.
"It's OK, Freddie, I have to face that Oscar bastard at some point."
"He's not working in the kitchen, he's at the bar, doing drinks so he shouldn't be anywhere near you the rest of the  night."
"OK." You say.
"Dinner will be ready in five." The chef says, popping in the door. You all file into the dining room, Brian and freddie sitting at the head of the table, you and roger across from John  and Ronnie.
"Well, darlings, I think we'll start off with a toast, to Ronnie and y/n that they both have safe pregnancies and deliveries, to the band, that we will release another album and make even more people happy and last of all, that next year brings us all happiness. Cheers." Freddie says, before sitting down.
"Cheers." Everyone says, drinking.

The dinner is lovely and the banter is mighty. Roger was tracing hand up and down your thigh the whole time, teasing you.
"Hey, y/n, John is drunk and I am not driving home tonight, so do you mind if we stay over for the night?" Ronnie asks, pulling you aside.
"Oh, of course, you can take the sofa bed. I'll just tell Roger. We're leaving in five minutes, he's getting a bit desperate if you know what I mean."
"Just don't be too loud and we'll be fine." She says laughing.
You go off to find Roger. When you find him,  Oscar has him pinned against a wall.
"She was mine and you just waltzed in and took her from me." He hisses through his teeth.
"She wouldn't have gotten with me if she didn't want to, now get off of me." Roger says, getting mad.
"Give me her back." Oscar says.
"No. I don't own her, just because we're engaged doesn't mean i control her. Now get the fuck off of me."
"You two are engaged?" He asks, backing off.
"Come on Roger, we're going." You say and Roger walks over and grabs your hand.
"Ronnie and John are staying over, Ronnie doesn't want to drive and John is drunk, ok?"
"Yeah, but they won't be getting much sleep with what I have planned for you."
"I'll go fetch Ronnie, you get John."
"On it."
You return back to Ronnie who's chatting to Brian.
"Hey, you two. Mind if I steal her to get home for the countdown before the party kicks off Brian?"
"Go ahead,  I'll see you both soon, I hope."
"You will." You say hugging him. Ronnie does the same.
"Leaving so soon, lovies?"
"Yeah, just before the party kicks off, you know."
"Yeah, good idea. I am planning to get absolutely langered tonight, so go before Roger stays, you'll never get him home then."
"Good idea Fred." Ronni says, hugging freddie and saying her goodbyes.
"I hope you have a blast tonight, you deserve it with all the stress." You say as he hugs you.
"Oh, I plan to darling."

You and Ronnie head outside to find Roger and John waiting for a taxi. It pulls up five minutes later and you Ronnie and Roger gets in the back and John in the front. You head home on silence, it's nice after all tye talking for the last few hours. Its around ten when the taxi pulls up. You all head inside and you five Ronnie a pair of pyjamas and you both get dressed and head to the living room, where the new year's special is on the TV. Roger and John pulled out the sofa bed and piled up cushions and turned all the lights off. You sit up beside Roger, who pulls you under his blanket and on to his knee. Ronnie and John are sitting all cuddled up. They're a cute couple, can't take there eyes off of eachother. You feel Roger start to kiss at your neck so you lean your head back on his shoulder.
"Get a room." John says, jokingly.
"Our place, our rules." Roger says, laughing and throwing a pillow at John. He makes a over dramatic hurt face and everyone bursts out laughing. This sorta thing goes on until you hear the countdown start. When the clock hits twelve, everyone says happy new year and Roger kisses you, very desperately.
"John, your next, come on, pucker up." Roger says standing up, obviously taking the piss.
"Never, in a million years, blondie."John says, standing up and running to ehe end of the room and roger follows suit. The chasing goes on for about ten minutes and you and Ronnie are in fits of giggles. Roger stops and grabs your hand telling the other two goodnight and leads you to the bedroom. The second your in, he slams his lips on to yours and starts undressing you.

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