Roses and pancakes.

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Chapter 20.
Roses and pancakes.

You wake up in Rogers arms, to him kissing the back of your neck.
"Morning, I have a surprise for you, love."
"You do? It's 9am, what could you have sorted?"
"I arranged, Freddie executed. Wait here." He said, climbing out of bed and leaving the room.
You sit wondering what he's doing  when the bedroom door opens and roger comes in with a tray and a boquet of roses. He places it down infront of you and takes his plate. Pancakes. Homemade.
"I was thinking, we're dating, but we haven't gone on a proper date, so that's what we're doing tonight."
"You're so cheesy, you know that."
"Only for you, my love."
You tuck into your pancakes, Roger does the same. When your half way done, you feel sick and run to the bathroom, followed by Roger. You just about make it in before you get sick into the toilet with Roger holding back your hair.
"Shit, sorry love." He says when your done
"It's not your fault, Morning sickness, was going to happen anyway." You say, cleaning off your mouth.
"Are you ok, you know I never liked you getting sick."
"Yeah, I'm OK, I'm going for a shower now so of you want to join me, feel free."
"Now, that is an offer, I will take up on."

At around five, you decide to get ready.
"Hey, Rog, since your not telling me where we're going, at least give me some hints on what to wear."
"I'll pick something for you."
"OK, this is a disaster waiting to happen."
"How? My fashion sense is great."
"Keep telling yourself that."
When he opens your wardrobe, he pulls out a deep scarlet red deep neck dress, a black strapless knee length skin tight dress and a emerald green wrap dress. He picks up a pair of black sandal heels and sets them down.
"Go try them on for me, love."
"That is so much effort."
"Well we don't have all day, and I am never going to wear womens clothes."
"Fine, but those heels won't go with two of those dresses."
"Well, if I choose one of them, I'll figure it out."
"Sure you will."
You pick up the scarlet red dress and pit it on, not liking it.
"No, not quite right, love."
You change out of it and into the emerald green dress. You don't like this one either, but it's a bit better.
"Too casual."
Finally, you put on the black dress, absolutely loving it. Roger is practically drooling at you.
"That's the one, right there."
"Now, leave me alone to get ready. You're not seeing the whole show just yet, just the preview."
"Well, I have a feeling I'm going to love the show."
You laugh at him, staring at you.
"Out, now."
"OK, ok." 
Before he leaves he kisses you. When he's out, you take off the dress and put on your dressing gown. You sit at the vanity and start drying the rest of your hair, since you let it air dry and it was still a bit damp. When it's dry, you Curl your hair into loose curls. When your done, you do your makeup and get dressed. You decide to use your new black slinky bag, it has hints of gold so you settle for gold jewelery aswell.
"Roger." You Call.
"How cold is it?"
"Cold enough, bring a jacket."
"Alright, love."
You pick up your leather jacket and slip it on. You put your Lipstick and gloss, credit card and some back up makeup into your bag and head to the living room where freddie is watching the telly.
"Darling, you are stunning, beautiful and Roger said he picked the dress, I feel like a proud dad."
"He did well for once."
Roger emerges from his room, gorgeous as ever  wearing all black. He has on jeans, and a shirt, the buttons all undone until his belly, and a black flowery blazer you have seen freddie wear a few times.
"Wow, y/n, you look absolutely gorgeous."
"You're not to bad yourself."
"Now that, my love, is the understatement of the year and you know it."
"I do know it." You say, giggling.
"Someone's giddy." Freddie says.
"Come on, y/n, let's get going, before Fred tags along."
You burst out laughing before taking his hand and leaving the apartment.
"I swapped out the van for a car, got Brian to do it for me."
"How come?"
"We don't really need it anymore now, and it was old. Plus I really love cars."
"Thank god, that van was the ugliest thing I've ever laid eyes on."
"I know, love."
You reach the car park and head for a black car. He opens the passenger door and you climb in, putting on your seat belt. He gets in the drivers seat and turns on the radio, it's just people talking but it fills the silence.
"Where you taking me, taylor?"
"That is for me to know and you to find out. Now, I'd recommend taking off your shoes, we're driving for about an hour."
"So that's why we're leaving at 7?"
"Yeah. Now, relax, it's a nice drive up there."
He was right. He had drove out of the city, and into the suburbs. You sat talking about absolute rubbish for the next hour or so before Roger pulls into a small hotel.
"There's a nice restaurant in here and we have a room."
"I didn't bring any clothes for tomorrow." You say, worried.
"Don't worry, I packed you stuff earlier, there in the boot."
"Thanks, now can I get fed, I'm starved."
"Me too, love, let's go."
When your heading in, you notice a few guys checking you out, Roger notices aswell, and puts his hand around your waist and pulls you close to him.
"I'll check in, you get a table."
"Don't be too long, love."
"I won't, I promise."
"Keep it." You say strutting off towards the restaurant. You get a private enough table, away from everyone. You look over to the bar and thats where you see him. Oscar.

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