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Chapter 14.

You run to the nearest chemist and buy a pregnancy test. When you got home you took it, waiting for the symbol to pop up:one like negative, two lines positive.  While you wait, you callthe tour bus.
"Hello, darling, everything OK?"
"Not exactly, Fred, can you get Roger?"
"Yeah sure, do you know if he's seeing someone, he's been swatting girls off like there mosquitos?"
"No, Fred, not a clue, get him."
"OK, patience."
A few moments later, you heard his voice.
"Hello, love, what's up?"
"How many times did we fuck that night?"
"Uhh, twice, yeah twice. Why?"
"How many rubbers were in the bin."
"There you have your answer."
"Wait, Brian's beside me, I'm going to the bathroom, only room with a lock." He said, trying to sound calm.
"So you think your-"
"I don't know Rog, that's the thing, im a  week late, I'm taking a test right now, calling the doctor then for a second opinion."
"Hey, love, its going to be OK. If you are, I'm here. I'm going nowhere. You know after-."
"You don't have to say it, I know this, it's just that, I dont know, its not what I planned."
"I know, love, its up to you what you want to do, I have no say, its your body, if you want to keep, I'll support , if you don't,  I'll support. I'm so sorry, but I have to go sign in at the reception of the hotel, tye numbers are on a sheet in the drawer call me later, ok, love?"
"Yeah, I will, thanks."
Talk to you soon."
"You too."

You finally look down at the test.

Rogers pov.

Me? A dad? I know that if she is and if she keeps the baby, i will be by her side no matter what. If she doesn't, that's ok too. Brian has been pestering me about what's bothering me, I figured that y/n wouldn't want me to say so I just saidnonwas distracted. I got fed up of the lads and went to my own room. The second i entered, the phone rang.
"Positive.", the words sounded shaky. I sink to the floor. Daddy Taylor. I've heard that from girls but  from a baby,  the thought made me smile. I'm scared, of course but I know that we'll be great parents
"Hey, love, its going to be OK. We'll be great parents."
"I don't think so."
"Don't be so hard on yourself, we'll be great. I know I'm gone for the next 4 months  but we'll figure it out."
"I hope so."

Your pov

Pregnant. You could not believe it. You call the doctor making an appointment for tomorrow morning. Then you'll be sure.

You head back to bed but you struggle to sleep. The beds lonely now. It still smells like him. You cry for about four hours straight wondering what's going to happen. You fall asleep at around 4pm and sleep till about 8am the next day.

You wake up, you need to get sick again so you do. Leaving the bathroom, you go and get dressed for the doctors. You eat your breakfast and leave, you take a cab instead, as you don't feel like driving.

When you arrive, the doctor sees you immediately. He takes your blood after asking you about your history. He's a nice man, mid 40s. He looked older than what he was.
"So who's the dad?"
"I don't know." You answered, not wanting to think about him.
"Oh I see."
After the test, you leave. He said he'll call with the results in three hours.

When your home, you call Roger.
"Love, where you at the doctors?"
"Yeah, have another 2 hours to wait for the results, but I'm pretty sure I am."You say fighting back tears
"Hey, it's going to be OK. We have a two week break middle of next month, I'll be home, I promise you."
"What date?"
"14th of July."
"That's ages away if I am, I'll have to do all the scans by myself."
"I'm dreading missing them."
"You are?"
""Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"
"Just thought because of all the times you thought you got someone pregnant the way you reacted, you would be the same."
"No, of course not, it's different with you."
"How-" your cut off by him.
"Fred's calling me, call me after ok love?"
"OK  bye."

You spend the next two hours lazing around, only leaving the sofa to get more food. Around 3, the phone rings.
"Hello is this y/n y/l/n?"
"It is yea."
"Well, I have news."
"Spit it out already."You say nervously.
"You're pregnant."

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