Boy Or Girl?

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Chapter 30.
Boy Or Girl.

"Well do you want to know?" You ask Roger, who is doing his hair to get ready for your scan. It's your 20 week scan, and you can find out the sex.
"Well, we know it's a boy, I refuse to believe that it's a girl, but I think it will be nice to know, you know, so we can prepare better."
"Yeah, i guess, so that's that settled, we're finding out." You say, putting on a tshirt."I can't believe they are taking my bloods and everything, I hate needles."
"I know love, but I'll be there, the whole time. Now come on, we'll be late."
"OK-" you want yo say something sarcastic but he pulls you in for a kiss, a few actually..

Sitting in the waiting room, you have never been so nervous. They were also telling you if everything was OK with the baby, everything that could go wrong is rushing through your head.
"It's going to be OK. I promise you. I know everything's going through your head, same with me, but we'll handle it, whatever it is." Roger says, rubbing your back.
"I love you so much, you know."
"I know, and I love you more."
"Ms. Y/l/n and Mr. Taylor, can you go to examination room 5, the doctor will see you then." A nurse says.
"We got this." Roger says under his breath.

"So, how have you been, after you left here?" The doctor asks, drawing your blood.
"Pretty good, I mean, I've been dizzy a few times, but i was told that's normal, other than that I've been good."
"OK, well, can you get up on the bed and lift your top just above your stomach."
You do so, and Roger sits down on the chair beside you, holding your hand, you can tell he's nervous with the way he's bouncing his knee.
"Do you want to know the sex?"
"Yes, please." You say, nervously. You know  nothing about boys, so that would be a bit of a bump in the road.
"Alright, well, I'll get the nurse in now to do the ultrasound, she'll be here In five." He says leaving the room. You and Roger are talking when you start to feel little movements in your belly.
"Rog, love, put your hand where my hand is, the babies kicking." You say, excitedly
"Oh my god, can I talk to them?"
"Yeah go ahead."
"Hi baby, are you kicking your mummy? Yes you are, yes you are." You can't help but laugh, it's very funny but at the same time it's very cute. He notices you laughing, but doesn't stop until the nurse comes in.
"Hi, I'm Janet, I'll be preforming your scan today, have you noticed any movement?"
"Yeah, just now, first time."
"Well, that would explain why you are both smiling like Cheshire cats."

She preforms the scan and leaves to give the doctor the results and print pictures and you clean yourself up and pull pull your top just in time for the doctor to come back. You sit down beside Roger and the doctor reads out the results.
"...and everything else looks OK. Now, for the sex, still want to know?"
"Yes, do you, love?" He says clasping your hand.
"Of course I do."
"Well  you guys, you are welcoming a baby girl into the world, congratulations."  He says with a smile. "Here's the the photos. Thanks for coming in."
You pick up the pictures, too happy to talk so Roger says the goodbyes and thank yous.
When your outside the room, Roger gives you a massive bear hug.
"And you thought we'd have a boy."
"Well, love, you were right, but I would have been happy either way."
"Yeah, me too, now come on, you have to go to the studio for that rehearsal."
"That, is something I do have to do. Are you going to stay?"
"Of course."

You are sitting listening to the band play when you feel the baby kicking again.
"Roger, its happening again."
"What is?" John asks while Roger sat infront of you to feel it.
"The baby kicking."
Soon enough you had four mens hands om your stomach, the baby still kicking away.
"I think she wants you guys to back off." You say jokingly.
"She?" Brian asks, surprised.
"Roger didn't say?"
"No, darling."
"Well, we're having a little girl."
"Congratulations you two, just watch  Fred might steal her to be his own personal dress up toy." John says, smiling like a fool.
"I won't doubt that for a second, deaky." Roger says.

The rest of the day is pretty normal, you go out for dinner, go home watch a head to bed and Roger starts talking about how he has never changed a nappy and you find it hilarious.
"I love you and all, but how have you not?"
"I love you too, I've just not been around babies much."
"I'll teach you, but right now, I'd like to go to sleep."
"Of course, now, come here." He says, opening his arms for you to cuddle up to him and you do, and drift off to sleep to him whispering absolute rubbish in your ear.

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