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Chapter 19.
Get off of him.

"You love me?"
"Yeah, since we made a damn baby."
"Oi, its not a damn baby."
"I know, just happy about it. Look, i want to raise this baby in a family, where both parents are together. I wanted to be a couple before you told me I'm going to be a dad."
"Well, I'd be lying If I said I didn't love you too."
"Yes really."
He kisses you, even more gentle, you thought he was kissing like a damn bitch so you tell him and he burst out laughing.
"So, what are we?"
"Not officially together, dating. And so help me god I will kill a bitch if you want to see other girls."
"Of course I don't, that's why I stayed away from them on tour."
"Yeah. Now enough talk I want to look at my son."
"It's gonna be a girl. My family are exclusively girls. And I know nothing about boys. Speaking about family, we have to tell our parents."
"Shit, well, they live close by, will we tell them today, get it out of the way?"
"Yeah, I suppose. My dad's going to be furious, he'll want us to get married."
"Well, do you want to?"
"Not yet, we're not even going out a day, Rog, slow down."
"Just a suggestion."
" a stupid one."
"I know, love."

You both sit in silence for about ten minutes looking at the monitor, listening to the heart beat, until the nurse comes in.
"Everything looks good. Do you want pictures?"
"Yes, please. Two sets." You want Roger to have pictures on tour.
"I'll get them sorted now."
She prints out the pictures  while you clean the jelly stuff off your belly, and pull down your shirt.
"Thank you, Ms." Roger says as she hands him the pictures.
"No problem, now, I wish you all the best." She says as you and Roger head for the door.
"Have a good day." You say.

You and Roger drive to your parents houses. They're neighbours so it's handy.
"I'll go to mine and ask them to go to your garden. OK, love?"
"Yeah, Rog, sounds like a plan."

You head into your parents house.
"Hi mum, dad, can you come to the garden, me and Roger have some news."
"Of course, sweetie, we'll be right out." She says, from the kitchen. You sit down out at the front porch,Roger and his parents approaching the porch table. They sit across from you, Roger beside you. You are soon joined by your parents. Everyone exchanges greetings until Roger starts speaking.
"So as I told you, we have some news."
"You two are finally together?"
"Well, sort of." You say.
"Will I say or do you want to say?" Roger whispers to you.
"You say."
"So, about a month and a half ago, y/n found out that we are having a baby-"
"You knocked my fucking daughter up?" Your dad shouted at Roger. All of a sudden, he pulled him out of his seat and punched him, threw him to the ground and punched him again.
"Get off of him!" You screamed, now crying.
"Get the fuck off of him, Liam." Your mum shouted, crying. Your dad got off of him, you run over to him.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry."
"It's not your fault, love."
"Cmon, we're going to your house."
His parents are roaring at your dad and you and your mum help him to his parents. Sitting in the kitchen, you clean up a cut he got on the side of his face.
"How are you?"
"Sore, but I've gotten worse."
"Roger, y/n, I know what he did was completely outrageous, and I don't expect you to forgive him for a while, but this is a big shock." Your mum says.
"I know, I guess if I was him and heard someone got my daughter pregnant, I would do the same. But don't expect me to be all lovey to him."
"I don't expect that, Roger. Look, I didn't get to say it back there, but congratulations, I know you two are going to he amazing parents, but it's going to be tough, tougher than anything either of you will ever do. And I will be there to help you every step of the way."
"I know mum." You say and hug her.
Rogers parents come in then, and say roughly the same thing. You all talk for about an hour about who the godparents are and just all baby stuff before you and Roger decide to leave.

You get home around five, and Freddie and the boys are there.
"How did it go? And roger, darling, the hospital isn't in a dog fighting ring."
"It went well, here, those are the pictures. We went to tell our parents and y/n's dad hit me a few times."
"Guys, can I ask the three of you something."
"Of course, anything at all." Brian said, making room for you on the sofa. Roger sits down, so you sit on his knee.
"Well, we were talking the other night, and you know how my granny is, all baby's are baptised, well I was thinking about godparents, and I know it's early, and your only meant to have two, but fuck that, so will the three of you be the godparents?"
The biggest smiles you have ever seen where plastered across the boys faces.
"We want you guys to because you are our family, and it makes it simpler than choosing one on my side and one on her side, and we want you three involved in our babies life, one way or another." Roger says, rubbing your belly.
"Well, I for one, would love to." John said, getting up to give you a hug.
"I would be delighted to." Brian said patting your knee.
"Darling, we already knew I was going to be a godparent anyway."
This was one of the reasons you love freddie, he had this way of saying yes that wasn't the usual way, he would do it in a confident way, and you loved it.
"Guys, this means the world to me."  You say. The three of them come over to hug you. When they pull away, Roger makes a show of kissing you. Freddie jumps up from the spot he sat down on again and says
"I knew it, deaky, bri, £100 each."
"Again?" Roger asks.
"What do you mean about again?"
"When I told them you were pregnant, Freddie had on a bet that we slept together."
"And I was right both times."
"So when did this happen." Brian asks, giving freddie money.
"Just today." You say, you can't help but smile.
"You two make a cute couple, are you just dating or is it official?" John asks, pulling a blanket over himself like a veil.
"Stop that, deaky, just dating for now."
"Woooooo, Roger has a girlfriend, woooo."  Brian mocks, throwing pieces of a paper he had been tearing over John while he pretends to walk down the aisle.

Boy, did you love those stupid men.

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