**Chapter Two**

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   •TW/CW- partys and underage drinking

Once the three boys reach the bottom of the stairs, George is able to fully see the basement. It's smaller than he expected, seeing that the rest of the house is so big. There are three couches seated in the middle of the room with led lights lining the ceiling. There is also a rectangular coffee table in the middle of the couches. There is a group of guys seated at the couches, the music is also not as loud down here.

  "Quackity you're back! And you've brought Wilbur with you!" A boy with fluffy brown hair, black skinny jeans, and a color block crew neck sweater exclaims.

   The others then turn their heads and notice the three boys making their way to sit down. Wilbur says hello to everyone and plops down on the couch making himself comfortable and pats the seat next to him inviting George to sit down.

  "Everyone, this is George. He's the guy I've been telling you about!" Wilbur exclaims as he takes a sip of his drink, deciding to rather keep it in his hand than set it down on the table with the other red solo cups. Wilbur then goes around introducing everyone:

  Sapnap, who has raven colored hair with black skinny jeans with a chain and a white T-shirt with a flame on it paired with chains around his neck.
   Karl, who is the boy with the fluffy hair.
   Bad, who is sitting right next to Skeppy. Wilbur also explains Bad doesn't really like to drink, he just comes to hang out with his friends. George also learn that bad and skeppy go to a different college, but often come around for parties.
     Tommy, a boy with blonde hair and is seated right next to tubbo, a boy with brown hair. George finds out they are only sophomores, however Tommy is the life of the party.
    Sapnap explains that Punz also occasionally hangs out with them, but currently he's busy "hosting the party" upstairs.

   However before Wilbur introduces the last person, George has a feeling he already knows who it is, and he was correct.

   "And lastly," Wilbur huffs out, "George this is Dream"

  George glances over in the blondes direction only to be met with harsh emerald eyes glancing at him. Not showing one emotion or kindness. The others on the couches converse between themselves but George is just staring at Dream, feeling his eyes burn holes into his chocolate colored ones.

  "Well George, what are you drinking over there big fella?" A voice sudden snaps George's attention away from the sea of green and over to Tommy.

   The rest of the night is spent in comfortable conversations and George getting to know everyone, besides Dream who doesn't talk one bit, a little bit more.  Wilbur had only had one drink, since he is driving home, and George only had a couple, wanting to enjoy this night and be able to form coherent sentences. George finds that he meshes well into the group, and thinks that he will definitely enjoy hanging out with everyone.

   Wilbur and George head out around 2AM, even though the Party is still very much going on. Wilbur pulled out his keys and sat down and George slid into the passenger seat. Wilbur was fine to drive, being that he only had one drink and that was three hours ago. George felt content on the drive home and blasted music while singing with Wilbur. Once he arrived he thanked Wilbur and they decided they would hang out tomorrow.

George fumbled with his keys and opened the door to his door. He was exhausted after his long day. He changed into sweatpants and a big t shirt and and shut off his light. He made his way over to his bed, plugged in his phone, and pulled the blankets over him.

He laid in bed for about thirty minutes just simply tossing and turning. He didn't understand why he couldn't fall asleep, seeing as he was so tired. His mind was quickly taken to Dream. Wilbur said he wasn't likely to be too friendly, and to give him time. This made George wonder, wonder what had happened in his life to make him like this, wondered if he was always like this. All of his thoughts quickly drifted away as he felt himself slip into a deep sleep.

The next morning George woke up to his phone going off like crazy. He groggily opened his eyes to see the time was 12PM. He grabbed his phone and quickly saw the text messages that were pouring in. He had forgot he exchanged numbers with the guys last night, and seemed to be added to a group chat. George silenced his phone and got up to shower quickly before bothering opening the hundreds of messages.

After showering, eating breakfast, and changing into black skinny jeans with a baby blue t shirt, he grabbed his phone and sat down on the small couch in his dorm. He slowly read through the messages and saw the group had plans to hangout and go to lunch today at 2:30". George checked the time, it was only 2, and responded.

"I'm down, I'll see you guys there"

This text made George's phone go off even more.


"Tommy who the hell is gogy"

"Why Wilbur, who else would it be? Obviously it's George"

"Where did you even come up with that?"

"Shut up Big Q, you're one to talk"

George just shut off his phone and let his new friends go at it. He grabbed his wallet and put it in his pocket before slipping his vans on and walking out the door.

Wilbur had offered to pick him up but he declined, saying something about how he wants to see more of the town. He strolled down the streets in search of the correct place, he glanced down at his phone to make sure he had the right name of the restaurant and suddenly bumped into something. However that something turned out to be an all to familiar someone, and now he looked mad.

Second chapter woo! I think this one is a bit longer? I'm not sure, however I think this is a good starting length! Again if you're here thankyou, and I hope you enjoy :)


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