**Chapter TwentyThree**

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  The next day the whole family went to spend some more time together, since the three boys would sadly be leaving in three days. Well, they had two more full days then had to leave early Sunday morning.

They went to an escape room. They had to pick one of the members of the group to be "locked in jail" while the rest had to figure out a series of puzzles to reach them before the time ran out. Dream was roped into being locked away, but he didn't complain. He was happy to give George more time to bond with everyone. They successfully won in time, with only 3 minutes left on the clock.

Afterwards, they went home until they decided to go bowling later at night. George was surprisingly good. That was after Dream wrapped his arms around the brunette and showed him how to roll the ball correctly. The family munched on nachos and soft pretzels and laughed all night. Sapnap need up winning, which ultimately meant he wouldn't shut up about it.

The next morning, George woke up to a heavy arm wrapped around his waist. He flipped himself over to be facing his boyfriend.

The morning sun hit his face perfectly, making his skin golden and his hair shine. His freckles were perfectly placed over his cheek bones and noise. His lips were slightly parted and looked pink and soft. His eyes slowly opened, his long eyelashes fluttering.

"G'morning baby," the beautiful blonde boy said in a deep morning voice.

"Morning love," the brunette said placing a soft kiss on his lips.

The boys enjoyed the warmth from the sun and each other before rolling out of bed. They both changed and prepared themselves for their last day in Texas.

George put on baggy burnt orange jeans which he cuffed, a cream long sleeve band shirt which he tucked in and paired with a belt, white high top converse, and his chains and rings.

Dream wore baggy blue jeans which he also cuffed, a simple tight white t shirt with a brown corduroy jacket over, doc martins, and his chains.

The two walked down the stairs hand in hand to be presented with avocado toast with eggs and bacon on the side, plus a fruit salad, waiting for them on the table. They sat down with Liv and Sapnap joined shortly after.

Breakfast with amazing as always.

"Boys! Me and Jim were planning on taking Liv to and indoor water park in about an hour, you're more than welcome to join us!" Elizabeth exclaimed.

They happily agreed before Dream spoke up, "as long as we're back by 6:30, I'm planning on taking George somewhere tonight,"

George got excited by this, he didn't know what they would be doing but he knew he would love it.

Just as promised, an hour later they all packed into the car to go. The drive was about 45 minutes, and about 10 minutes in George felt his eyes getting heavily. He gave into sleep and laid is head on Dream's shoulder.

"We're here!" A lively voice exclaimed.

George slowly opened his eyes and realized the cat was parked in front of a huge building. Everyone got out of the car and rushed to the giant double doors. Live pushed her way through and happily skipped up to the front desk. Elizabeth paid for everyone, despite George telling her he had money, and they continued into the large open area.

The strong scent of chlorine hit the brunette's nose instantly. The family made their way to a small covered pavilion and set their stuff down.

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