**Chapter Five**

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•TW's/CW's- panic attack, mentions of violence 

Morning arrived sooner than George would have liked it to. His alarm beeped at 6:00am. The tired man rolled over, groaned, and turned it off.

   He was nervous. Not just about starting school in a completely new environment, but about how he would act around his friends. He knew he wasn't ready to tell them but what if they realized he was acting strange? What if they tried to ask him about it?  Then he looked down and realized he was still wearing Dreams hoodie, he felt safe again.


George hopped out of the shower and put on some mom jeans with a white button up. He unbuttoned the first few buttons and threw on a few chains and some rings.

He then made his way over to the small kitchen and grabbed a granola bar and an apple. He didn't have a big appetite since he was nervous but knew he had to put something in his stomach. As he sat down at the kitchen bar, his phone went off.

Hey man just makin sure you're up, I'll be there in 10

George was thankful for Wilbur. It's not that he minded walking, he would just prefer to enter school with someone he knows. He threw on some all white vans to top off his outfit. The boy spent that ten minutes scrolling through Twitter and soon there was a knock on his door.

The car ride to school wasn't far, about five minutes. The two brits listened to quiet music and the car was filled with comfortable silence, since they were both still tired.

As they arrived, they saw the rest of the group waiting outside the big gate in front of the school. They approached them and George noticed everyone was in deep conversation besides Dream, who was standing and looking at his phone.

"Goggy! Welcome to your first day at American college!" Tommy enthusiastically said. Way too enthusiastically George thought, it was too early in the morning for this.

Dream's eyes shot up from his phone and his expression softened when he made eye contact with the brunette. George thought he might have even saw a small smile.

"Thanks Tommy," George responded.

"What classes do you have today?" Karl said with a giggle.

George pulled out his phone and opened up his camera roll to see his schedule, he then handed his phone to Karl who showed the group.

"You have first period coding class with Dream! He can show you where that is, right Dream?" Karl questioned.

Dream just gave a simple nod. George was excited, but also still nervous about this fact. Yes, Dream was nice to him yesterday but maybe that was just pitty?

George was snapped out of his thoughts by his other friends interjecting and saying what classes they had with him. He also learned that they all shared a lunch, which the brunette was very thankful for. He did not want to eat lunch alone.

Soon all the boys heard the bell ring and groaned. They all split off and said their goodbyes and George looked around confused.

"C'mon George our class is this way" Dream stated, still no emotion in his face.

Dream didn't seem mad at the boy, there was no anger in his eyes like there used to be, however he definitely wasn't happy. George followed him and made small talk until they arrived to class. The brunette was thankful that he had at least one friend in each class, the campus was huge and he would definitely be getting lost.

Everyone took their assigned seats and the professor started talking. The class wasn't that big and luckily he was seated next to Dream right in front next to the professors desk.

Time went by surprisingly fast, as George did enjoy coding. They didn't do any real work, just simply went over class procedures. However at the end of the class the teacher announced that they would be getting partnered up with someone in the class for the rest of the year to complete projects with. George wasn't particularly nervous about this, since he could really get along with anyone. However before the professor started reading names, George was called up to talk to him.

He seemed very nice, he had blonde hair and was named Mr Phil. Mr Phil motioned George to come up to his desk.

"Hi mate, I've chosen partners for everyone already but since you're new I thought it might be easier for you to be partnered up with someone you might already know. Currently I have you partnered with James," the man spoke so only George and the surrounding desks could hear him, everyone else was on their phones waiting.

"James raise your hand," Mr Phil shouted to a boy all the way in the back.

And that's when George saw him, a tall strong man with a big bruise on his jaw. George froze and made eye contact with the man he now knows as "James". The two made eye contact and James winked at George. George has not even realized he was in this class.

Dream must have recognized the name because he quickly looked up and saw the boy, with the bruise that he himself had made on him. George could see his eyes full with anger once again.

"But if you would be more comfortable you can choose-" before Mr Phil could finish talking Dream steadily approached them and stood right next to George in front of his desk.

"I'll be George's partner if you don't mind sir, we've already met and he lives not too far from me so we could easily work on our projects outside of school." Dream stated kindly giving a slight smile to the teacher.

"We'll as long as it's okay with George," the man looked at George for reassurance.

George just simply nodded, not sure if he could get a word out at the moment.

As if right on time, the bell rang. George walked back to his seat to begin packing and Dream stayed to talk some more with the teacher. He was just about done when he felt a looming presence next to him. He looked up to be faced with the same eyes that were looking at him just two nights before. George froze and absentmindedly dropped his things things on the floor.

"What's wrong princes-" the man quietly whispered but was cut off by Dream.

"Come on George we're leaving," Dream harshly said as he bent down to pick up all of George's stuff and tug him away.

"And stay the fuck away from him, I won't hesitate to give you a matching bruise on the other side of your face," Dream spit venom laced words and grabbed George's arm, with him still holding both of their things.

Dream quickly walked with George and brought him into a secluded hallway to make sure the boy was alright. They had ten more minutes before they had to get to class, so they had time.

"George? Hey are you okay?" Dream asked with concern.

At the sound of those words, George felt the hot tears run down his face. He started to hyperventilate and get dizzy.

To his surprise, Dream quickly pulled him into a hug. He rubbed the shorter man's back, trying to calm him down.

George wrapped him arms around the man and silently cried, trying not to draw attention to them. He took deep breaths and smelt a familiar scent, Dream. George knew that as long as Dream was around, he was safe. The boys stayed like this for a few minutes until they were interrupted by a voice.

"Dream? Is that you? And- GEORGE?"


OKAY UH HELLO?? we went from 5 to 115 readers in ONE DAY?? I literally didn't even think anyone would be seeing this but thankyou! I'm so glad you guys are liking this story! Thankyou for all of the love! Make sure to eat/drink and take care of yourselves! Get some sleep and have a good day/night! I'll see you tomorrow <3


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