**Chapter Three**

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•TW/CW- s*xual assault, violence, underage drinking/drug use

As soon as George locked eyes with the emerald ones staring back at him with anger he froze.

"What the fuck?" Dream said, rage in his voice.

"I'm- im sorry?" George question, he didn't see why the boy was so infuriated. It was an honest mistake.

   Dream rolled his eyes and walked into the restaurant. Wilbur then walked around the corner, catching George's eye.

"Hey man, what was that about?"

"I just bumped into him, it was an accident Wil." The boy said, confusion lacing his tone.

"Don't mind him, he has a short temper. C'mon, the rest of the guys are already in there."

   The two brits walked into the small diner that was chosen for lunch. They looked around and saw the others seated at the table. The made their way over and took their seats, unfortunately George was seated next to Dream.

"Goggy! You made it!" Tommy said with excitement.

"Well yeah, I told you I was going to." George said matter of factly.

  The group soon fell into small conversations. The waitress came and took everyone's order and the chatting continued. George pulled out his phone to check his Twitter when he felt someone staring at him. None the less, he turned his head and made eye contact with no other than Dream.

"Can I help you?" The brunet questioned.

  Dream simply scoffed and turned his head to make conversation with Sapnap. George made mental note to talk to Wilbur about him later.

  It was now 7pm, lunch had went smoothly and George was back in his room. It was Saturday and school started the following Monday. He was watching YouTube on his phone when it lit up and showed Wilbur calling.

"Hey man, there's another party at Sapnap's place tonight. It's gonna be big since it will be the last one before school starts, you wanna come with me?" The boy asked.

  George thought about it and realized there was no reason to say no, it's not like he had anything else going on.

"Sure, what time?"

"Starts in an hour, I'll pick you up in 45"

  And with that Wilbur hung up. George sat up out of bed and mad his way through his small dorm to the bathroom. He ruffled his hair and changed his shirt to something more fitting for a party.

   He ended up in the same jeans, a big band t shirt half tucked in, a few chains, and his rings. He went to the kitchen to grab something to eat quick, since he didn't want to drink on a empty stomach and haven't eaten since lunch.

   Wilbur arrived right on time and now the two were driving to the party. George felt this would be a perfect opportunity to bring up the boy that had been on his mind.

"Hey Wil, can I ask about Dream?" The boy inquired.

"Sure man, what's up?" Wilbur said with a little bit of concern hidden in his voice.

"Nothing bad, I just want to know when he's so rude or, closed off? I don't know I just feel like he's never in a good mood." George simply stated.

"Don't take it personal, Dream is always like this around new people. Now that I think of it, none of us really know details about his life except for Sapnap. Those two grew up together."

   George thought about this until Wilbur started talking again, "but don't worry about it dude, he will warm up to you eventually. For now, just don't mind him." The taller said with a warm smile.

   Before George could say anything else they pulled into the driveway of the huge house. The boys got out of the car and walked inside, being immediately greeted by Quackity and Karl. It was obvious they had both been drinking, so the sight of them dancing with no coordination was very funny. The two dancing boys then spotted them and made their way over to the other two.

"Hey guys! I'm so glad you could make it" Quackity slurred out and Karl gigged.

   Big Q then grabbed George's arm and dragged him to the kitchen, with the other two following closely behind.

"Goggy! Do a shot with us!" Karl screeched.

  Who would George be to say no to a shot? Not himself that's for sure. Quackity poured the three shots, Wilbur declining since he would have to be driving later.

   However what George didn't expect was "a shot"' to turn into many rounds. George wasn't a lightweight, however he was definitely buzzed. Nights like these reminded him of the parties back in England. And even if George didn't drink a lot that often, he would still let him self go every now and then. Tonight, seemed to be one of those nights.

   After a few more drinks the three drink boys, and their sober friend, made their way out to the backyard. There they met up with the rest of the group, who had also obviously been drinking. They were seating under the porch on a few of the many backyard couches. The boys sat down with them and continued drinking.

   It was around 12AM when George realized how drunk he actually was. Sapnap lit up a joint and passed it around the circle. George, not knowing any better in his state, gladly took it and hit it three times before passing it. Everyone, besides Wilbur, was obviously on the same level as George. They were all laughing at the stupidest things and happily munching on snacks. George even heard Dream laugh a few times, which was a first. However, not long after dream disappeared into the house.

   At some point George got up to use the restroom. Now, he was stumbling around trying to find where it was. Making his was through the maze of other people, the last thing he expected was a harsh grab on his wrist. At this point, his vision was spinning and didn't have the strength to pull away. He was lead into the bathroom, which he was so desperately looking for, and pushed against the counter. The door was shut and he was now staring at an unfamiliar face.

   The man was tall, much taller than George, and big. He was also very strong, George wasn't sure if it was because of the state he was in or maybe the man just simply over powered him, but he couldn't get away. The mans arms crashed to each side of George's body, grabbing the counter tops and trapping the smaller man. George tried to speak but no words came out of his mouth. He tried to wiggle away but it was no use. Before he could realize it, the man pressed his lips against his neck. The mans hands traveled up Georges shirt and onto his bare skin. George was yelling as much as he could, but that soon stopped when the man crashed his lips onto his.

   George was in tears and couldn't find enough energy to push the man away, his vision now getting spotty and head spinning.

   All of a sudden the door slammed opened to reveal no other than Dream. George made eye contact with glasses eyes with the emerald green ones. Dream quickly approached the two and shoved the man off of George. The last thing George remembers seeing before blacking out was Dream connecting a swift punch to the other mans jaw.


Hey guys, bit of a heavier chapter tonight. I promise it's important to the plot line. Please make sure you guys are taking care of yourselves and my dms are always open. Again if you're here, thankyou so much and i hope you have a great day/night <3


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