**Chapter Ten**

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•TW's/CW's- swearing

Thursday went by quickly. George and Dream finished their project after school and we're ready to present.

On Friday morning George woke up to his alarm blaring. He groggily got up and changed into light blue mom jeans, a oversized white band tee and tucked it in, his chain, and rings. He topped the look off with white vans and grabbed a granola bar before heading out the door.

He opted to walk to school today, figuring he needed the extra time to think. The whole situation between him and Dream was never talked about. However he definitely knew he liked the blonde. Thoughts of him filled the boys head as he walked down the street.

As he arrived, he saw all of his friends standing at gate. Well, everyone accept Dream. He walked up and could feel a sense of tension already in the air. No one was happily giggling like normal. He didn't say anything, however when the group spotted Dream walking everyone went completely silent.

Dream must have noticed this as well. He walked up to the group with a look of confusion on his face. Sapnap gave him a weak smile and a pat on the back.

"Hey man" the shorter man said weakly.

"Hey? What's up with everyone?" Dream said skeptically while looking around the group.

"I think we need to talk," The raven haired man said seriously.

Just then the school bell rang. The rest of their friends scurried off without another word.

"Well me and George gotta get to class unless you want to walk with us," Dream said motioning at George to start walking, which he did.

"Look Dream I don't really know how to say thi-" before Sapnap could finish Dream stopped dead in his tracks, alarming George.

Sapnap grimaced and squeezed his eyebrows together, already knowing what happened.

"I'm so sorry Dream, none of of knew and I was about to tell you," Sapnap trailed off at the end.

Dream fell silent. He raked his eyes over the blonde girl who had just entered his first period, his ex.

Back in freshman year, Dream dated a girl named Claire. They had met right before college started and became official not two weeks afterwards. Even though some may have said it was rushed, they were in love. They dated the entire year of school, being attached at the hip and doing everything together. However at the last party of year before graduation, they broke up. Claire told him she would be moving away to finish college and she didn't want to do long distance. Dream was heart broken, he was so head over heels for her and she just left. He didn't talk to anyone for weeks, no responding to texts or calls and not leaving his dorm. Eventually Sapnap got him out and introduced him to some new people, which is why he's so close with all of his friends now. However, the side effects of the breakup never just went away. This lead to extreme trust issues and anger issues as well.

So if you would have told him that he would have been standing in front of his first period watching that same girl that moved away and broke his heart walk in, he would have punched you in the face.

But that's exactly what was happening. Dream's expression was unreadable to George. The final bell rang and Sapnap spit out apology after apology before running off to his class.

Dream didn't say one word and just walked into class. As they sat down, George looked over to see this girl that Dream was so caught up on. He felt a twinge of jealousy, but quickly put that out since he figured he didn't have the right to feel it.

The two boys didn't speak for the rest of the class until Mr Phil called them up to present. It didn't go terribly, but it definitely didn't go smooth. Dream forgot when to speak, just simply staring at blonde who was seated amongst the class. George was panicking the entire time, James had seemed the be watching him the entire presentation.

They both sat back down and not another word was said. When the bell rang Dream didn't even wait for George. The brunette was left alone and confused as he watched the taller man speed walk out.

George sat in the rest of his classes just as confused as the first. He figured he could ask Sapnap is second period but chose not too, he wouldn't want Sapnap telling Dream he had asked.

  So when Science with Quackity rolled around, he took full opportunity.

"Hey Big Q, can I ask you something? But you have to promise it says between us."

"Of course George!" Quackity happily replied with a bright smile.

  And so he asked, and as much as Quackity emphasized that he shouldn't tell George since it "wasn't his story to tell", he ended up spilling the whole story.

  As Big Q finished, George felt that flame of jealousy start to burn up again. This made him frustrated. He was in no way dating Dream, so he shouldn't be feeling this way.

  The lunch bell rang and the two boys packed up their stuff and walked out to meet with the others.

  Upon arriving at the table, everything seemed back to normal. Tommy was cracking jokes and Karl was laughing loudly, everything seemed okay again. Wilbur came and sat down by George and everyone fell into their normal conversations.

  That was until Dream came and sat down next to George. The brunette turned towards the boy to start talking. Except for the fact that the blonde did not return this energy. He simply nodded his head or hummed in response. George picked up on this and decided to ask.

"Hey, is everything okay?" The shorter man quietly said, making sure no one else could hear.

"Yeah," is all The blonde responded with.

"Are you sure?" George sympathetically asked, wanting to make sure he was okay.

  All he got was a nod. George was worried for him so he continued.

"You've just seemed at little off since-" he was cut off.

"Jesus fucking Christ George I'm fine! Leave me alone! You're not my mom or anything!" Dream loudly yelled.

  Everyone stopped their talking and stared at the two boys. Dream grabbed all of his things and stormed off. The table stayed silent and directed their gazes to George. He just sat there, stunned and eyes getting teary.

  Wilbur quickly stood up and pulled the shorter man up and away from everyone. He quickly walked the two to a empty hallway where George broke down.


Hey everyone! Okay so first WE HIT 1K READS?? WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL? That's absolutely insane and thankyou so much. My goal was 100 reads and we've definitely passed that. Thank you guys for the support and another chapter will be up probably in an hour :) take care of yourself and see you soon!


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