**Chapter TwentyFive**

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   The blonde looked at his boyfriend with hurt plastered all over his face.

"I didn't know how to tell you. It won't be for the whole break though. We get off on December 17th and I leave the 19th, I'll be back on the 26th. So I'll only be gone a week," the brunette said, not making eye contact with the man sitting across from him.

"But- that means we won't get to spend Christmas together," Dream said, feigning with disappointment.

"I- I know, I'm sorry baby,"

A dark cloud hung over them for the rest of dinner.

Through out the week Dream and George got a good portion of their project done. It was now Friday and Sapnap had invited the group over to his place to hang out. Both of the boys agreed, since it wasn't going to be a big party.

They were both excited. All of their friends, including Bad and Skeppy, were going to be there. It's been hard to get the entire group together lately with the stress of semester exams quickly approaching.

When the boys pulled into the driveway of the big house it was already packed with cars. Dream put the car in park and went to do something on his phone quick. George was happy to see his friends, until a wave of emotions came over him. He suddenly felt trapped. He tried to suppress it, so he turned to his boyfriend.

"Ready to go in?" He questioned.

Dream quickly turned his phone away from George , weird, "yeah let's go," he said with a smile.

They got out of the car and made their way to the door. Dream pulled out his phone again and started typing fast.

"Who is it?" The brunette asked.

"What? Oh uh- it's Karl. He said he couldn't make it," The blonde replied.

George didn't question it so they continued into the house. When they got to the door Dream knocked and it was quickly answered by a smiling Sapnap.

"Hey guys! Everyone else is in the basement!" He exclaimed.

They took off their jackets and let the warm air welcome them. As the three were walking into the hallway George started to feel it again. He caught sight of Wilbur in the kitchen and told Dream he would be down in a second.

He quickly turned around and started to make his way towards the other Brit. With each step his heart pounded a little faster. He was starting to forget how to breath and when he finally was in front of Wilbur it was obvious.

"Oh hey Georg- what's wrong?" The man said with worry at the end of his question.

"I- I-" he couldn't form words, his mind was racing and nothing was making sense.

Wilbur engulfed him in a hug and they made their way to the couch. They could hear laughter erupt from the basement but neither of them paid attention. At some point, tears started to roll down the shorter mans cheeks.

After a little bit, he calmed down. Wilbur figured he didn't want to talk about so they simply didn't. There was a knock at the door so Wilbur got up to answer. George took deep breaths to compose himself a bit more before being faced with anyone else.

The taller man opened the door to be greeted with a head of fluffy brunette hair and rosy cheeks. He took his coat off and set it on the rack with his scarf.

"Karl, you made it!" George exclaimed with as much excitement as he could muster up.

"Uh, yeah?" Karl smiled and laughed, obviously a bit confused.

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