**Chapter Seventeen**

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  •TW's/CW's- underage drinking/smoking, s*xual assault, violence

The week has passed quickly and now it was the night of the party. George had arrived back home from hanging out with Wilbur, doing his last minute costume shopping. The boy couldn't wait to see him at the party, he was pretty proud of the costume he helped Wilbur pick out.

  As he walked into Dream's dorm, that he had in fact been calling home recently, he saw that the boy wasn't home. He walked to the bedroom to see his costume spread out on the bed with a note.

"Went to go pick up some dinner before the party, we can't be drinking on empty stomachs. Be home soon, put on your costume while you wait, I know you'll look great when I get back :) "

  George rolled his eyes and smiled. Even if his costume wasn't ideal, he loved that he would be matching with Dream. The thought that everyone knew he would belong to him made the slight- no, way more than slight,- embarrassment worth it.

  He changed into what Dream had laid out on the bed and soon heard the door opening. He walked out into the kitchen to greet his boyfriend.

"Hey babe," the brunette said planting a soft kiss on the taller man's lips.

"Ready for tonight I see, are you excited?" Dream asked giving a smirk, raking his eyes over the dressed up boy in front of him.

"Of course, you've talked so highly of Sapnap and Punz's halloween parties how could I not be?"

  The two boys quickly ate and Dream changed into his costume. They headed out of the house at 7:05pm, the sun just starting to set. The two held hands the entire ride while Dream drove. Once they pulled into the driveway, it was very apparent that this was the biggest party yet. Many cars lined the road and people were loading into the house. The party had only started 10 minutes ago too.

  Dream and George started to walk up to the door when George felt the first wave of regret. Dream seemed to notice this and leaned in to whisper to George, "you look amazing tonight baby. I love you so much," the blonde cooed.

  Those last words sent George's brain crazy, his nervousness subsiding. As they opened the front door, colorful lights beamed from every room in the house along with music blasting. Most of their friends were already there, and texted in the group chat that they were in the basement.

  The two boys headed down the stairs hand in hand when they heard the very annoyed screams from no other than Tommy.

"What the fuck Wilbur?" The younger boy yelled.

  All that could be heard after that was various amounts of laughter, and George knew why. When they entered the basement fully, Dream also burst out into laughter.

  Tommy was standing over Wilbur who was laughing his ass off on the couch. The taller Brit was wearing a white and red ringer t shirt with khaki cargo pants and even sprayed his hair to look blonde.

"What? Tommy you're by far the scariest thing out there!" Wilbur managed to get out in his fit of laughter.

  Once the laughing died down, everyone took time to admire the other's costumes.

  Sapnap, Quackity, and Karl all showed up as male versions of the powerpuff girls. They were all dressed in black shorts, similar to George's which made him feel a bit better, and their color coordinated shirts plus they all had matching colored vans specific to their characters. Sapnap was Blossom who was red, Quackity was buttercup who was green, and Karl was bubbles who was blue. The characters seemed to match their personalities, coincidentally.

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