**Chapter Eighteen**

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•TW's/CW's- mentions of throwing up/feeling sick and dizzy, signs of depression, mentions of violence/ mentions of s*xual assault

George woke up and felt a violent wave of nausea hit him immediately. He flung his legs over the side of the bed and wobbly stood up. He rushes to the bathroom and threw up.

Dream soon rushed in and knelt next to him, rubbing comforting circles on the boy's back.

The morning was mostly filled with George being sick. Every time he felt this way he would rush to the bathroom with Dream by his side. If he wasn't throwing up, he was crying. The event from last night hit him like a train. He couldn't remember everything in detail, since he was drugged, but the little memories he had plagued his mind.

  Dream didn't know what to do. He has no clue how to help his boyfriend. So he did the only thing he could do, support him. He was there when George was sick or crying, he would hold him close and tell him he was safe. However inside, Dream felt terrible. He had promised the boy that James would never bother him or even come close to him again. He broke his promise.

  Sapnap had texted Dream this morning to assure him James would come no where near the two again. Of course Dream jumped to the worst conclusion, accusing Sap of murdering the pitiful man. The raven hair man responded with something along the lines of "I'm not that crazy", and Dream didn't question it any further.

   Dream was trying his best to take care of George, he didn't mind of course, but he was worried he was being over bearing. No matter how many times George reassured him, it wasn't enough.

  It was now later that evening, Dream was cooking spaghetti for dinner. Even though George was having a hard time keeping anything down, he wanted to have something ready just in case.

George had been sitting in the same spot on the couch all day, besides his frequent trips to the bathroom. The TV had been on but he wasn't really watching it. He didn't feel real. Nothing did. He was hurting.

Dream knew George wouldn't be going to school tomorrow. Because of this, neither was he. Since he wasn't worried about having to get up, he decided to take George somewhere. He went and sat down on the couch with his boyfriend.

"Hey baby," the blonde softly said, "do you think you can go somewhere with me? It will just be the two of us,"

The brunette just nodded. He hasn't said much all day but Dream understood. He grabbed some blankets and the two boys walked down to the car.

The arrived at the school and George had an idea of where they were going. They headed through the fields and up to the big willow tree. Dream laid out the blankets and sat down, motioning for George to join him. The Brit sat right next to his boyfriend as an arm was wrapped around him.

  The two sat in silence for awhile just simply watching the stars. Everything felt okay until Dream heard a small cough beside him. He look over to see tears streaming down the shorter boys face. He quickly turned to face him.

"George? Are you okay?" The blonde started.

  And that's when George broke. Tears rushed down his face and he buried his head into Dream's chest. He let it all out, everything finally hit him.

"I was so stupid, I should have just stayed with you. Maybe if I wasn't so drunk I could have obviously tasted that it didn't taste right," George said

"George you can't-" Dream was cut off by the sobbing brunette.

"I feel so dirty, he was all over me. I was so scared and I didn't even have the strength to fight back, I'm so pathetic. It was supposed to be such a great night and now I don't even feel like myself! How am I supposed to go to school and act normal and, hell, even look at my friends in the eyes anymore! I- I hate myself," George was a stuttering mess full of pain and tears.

  That last line is what broke Dream. That last line made his heart ache.

The taller boy put his finger under George's chin and tilted his head up until he was making eye contact with him, "George I want you to listen to me, you are anything but pathetic. You can not blame yourself. I promise even if it may feel like it, you are not alone. I am here for you and I will always be here for you, and so will everybody else in our group. They were furious, and most definitely not with you. Nobody is blaming you for this but you. I love you so god damn much George and I'm so so sorry this happened. I feel-" Dream continues as his voice starts to crack, "I feel like I failed you. I feel like I disappointed you. I hate to see you hurting George," The blonde finished as he too, started to cry.

  The night was long, and filled with so much raw emotion. The two boys sat under the willow tree for hours that night. Hours of open communication, hours of sharing their feelings and fears, hours of new promises, and most of all hours of trust and love.

  The next week George did not attend school. He stayed at Dream's dorm, feeling safest there.  Dream would come home on his lunch break and eat with him and also got his work for the classes he had been missing.

  The brunette had been avoiding everyone, not purposefully though, until Dream came home that next Friday with Sapnap.

"Hey man!" The raven haired man said softly, not sure what approach to go for.

"Hey Sap," George smiled. It was an unexpected surprise to see one of his best friends, and he was glad.

"Hey baby," Dream walked over and planted a kiss on George's head.

  The three sat on the couches for awhile just laughing and catching up. Sapnap had been worried about George and the three hadn't hung out alone in a while, so it's safe to say this time was much appreciated.

The boys got hungry and decided to go to Slime's Cafe for dinner. They opted to walk there since it wasn't too far, plus they all just wanted extra time with each-other.

They got seated at a booth and the waiter named Charlie took their order, George remembered him from last time.

The boys laughed and chatted until their food was brought out. George was having a great time. He looked between the two boys and felt a sense of happiness, he knew this was where he belonged.

Half way through eating their meals, Sapnap spoke up.

"So George, as you know I'm from Texas," the man said taking a bite out of his food. "And thanksgiving break is only three weeks away. Normally I go back home and Dream comes with me since we get a week off. However this time, I wanted to invite you to come with us!" Sapnap says excitedly. "Obviously you don't have to decide right now but I told my family about you and they already love Dream, for some reason, but they said they would be more than happy to have you too!" Sapnap rambled on.

George grinned from ear to ear, "I'd love to Sap!"


Woo we hit 5k! Sorry about the kinda filler chapter tonight, it was kinda rushed since I start school tmr and need to get good sleep! Also bcos of this is unedited but shhhh. Anyways I hope you guys enjoy it! Also I'm thinking we might have somewhere around 25-30 chapters, so yes we're kinda getting to the end BUT once I finish this book I'm going to start working on the other book posted here called astronomy! I hope everyone is having a great day, remember to take care of yourself and my DM's are open if you need anything! You're so very loved and have a great day/night!

-S <3

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