**Chapter Fourteen**

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  •TW's/CW's- none :)

   George woke up around 12pm that day. He frantically looked around to see Dream was no where to be found. However his senses calmed as he smelled bacon cooking.

  The brunette hopped out of bed and went to the bathroom to wash his face. He saw Dream's hoodie laying on the ground where he had left it a few days ago. He threw it on, content with himself, and walked into the kitchen.

  He was greeted with the sight of Dream lightly swaying and humming to himself while cooking breakfast. George was feeling bold and decided to test the waters. He walked up behind the blonde and wrapped him arms around him.

"Well good morning Georgie," Dream said as he continued cooking.

  George's heart fluttered at the nickname. He smiled  softly to himself. He went and took at a seat at the small kitchen bar to watch the boy finish cooking.

  Dream walked up and placed two plates of bacon and waffles on the bar. He takes a seat next to George offering a big smile.

"I hope you like it, I'm not the best cook," the blonde says as he laughs nervously.

After a delicious breakfast the boys spent the day doing nothing but lounging around the small dorm room. They watched movies and ordered dinner.

The rest of the week went by fast. They either both slept at George's or both slept at Dream's. None of the Group seemed to question it when they came back to school like nothing happened, or when they arrived together.

It was now Friday morning and they were both walking to their first period.

"Hey George are you gonna be busy tonight?" Dream said as they made light conversation.

"I don't think so, why?"

"I was wondering if you wanted to do something, it's a surprise though," The blonde said laughing nervously.

"Sure, what time?" George said giving the other a big smile.

"I'll pick you up at 7," the taller man finished.

George thought about what the surprise could possibly be all day. Wilbur drove him home so they could catch up and ended up hanging out at George's dorm for a few hours.

It was around 6 when Wilbur left and George decided he should get ready. He hopped in a steaming shower to wash up before whatever he would be doing tonight. He didn't know what he should wear, but he figured he would dress up a little for Dream.

He put on some black jeans with a Chain on them , a tighter white v neck t shirt, a black jean jacket, his chins, and rings. He also took extra time doing his hair.

There was a knock on his door at exactly 7. George got up off the couch and opened it to reveal the blonde standing there in black ripped jeans, a lime green t shirt, a black leather jacket, and some accessories. The shirt complimented his eyes perfectly.

"You look really good," Dream said with a self assured smile.

"So do you," the brunette replied.

The two boys stood there just simply admiring each-other before Dream held his hand out, which George gladly took. They shut the door and made their way out to Dream's car.

Their hands stayed interlocked the whole drive as they sang as loud as they could to the music. The sun was just starting to set which made a beautiful scene. After about 15 minutes they arrived at a big medieval looking restaurant. The sign read The Blade's Palace.

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