**Chapter Thirteen**

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•TW's/CW's- mentions of underage drinking  

  George stared at the sniffling blonde in front of him. He knew he couldn't just send him away in the state he was in. The brunette moved out of the way of the door and opened it farther, motioning for Dream to come in.

  The taller boy hung his head and sadly walked inside. No words were said as George pointed to a seat at the small kitchen bar, Dream took the hint and sat down.

  George gave him a glass of water and went to go make him something to eat, desperately trying to sober the man up. He made boxed Mac and cheese and the other boy composed himself and stopped crying.

  Both of them silently knew they would not be going to school tomorrow.

  The brunette sat the bowl down in front of the puffy eyed boy. He quickly finished it and got himself another serving, also downing five glasses of water. It was almost 4am by the time Dream was pretty much sober and he knew it was time to talk.

  The boys moved to the couch and Dream decided to break the silence.

"Look George, I know that nothing I say will make up for what I told you that night. But just know I don't know what got into me. That girl- Claire- we had a thing back in freshman year-" he was cut off.

"I already know who she is and everything about her, don't waste time talking about it. Continue," George said quickly. Dream gave him a sorrowful glance.

"Alright well, I just wasn't expecting to see her. I flipped out on you at lunch because I wasn't in the right head space. She got in my mind and I didn't know what to do. I went to the party that night to try to get my mind off her. But then I ended up drinking too much and she just kinda found me. All of those feelings hit me hard and I couldn't control myself. It was stupid, because honestly I don't feel anything for her anymore. I just never had any closure, and maybe that was my drunk mind's fucked up way of getting it,"

  George sat there processing it. He didn't know how to respond to that.

"Dream, even though you said some rude things you're right. I don't have any right to control who you make out with, it's not like we're dating or anything. I didn't have a right to be mad at you for that," the brunette could feel his heart break a little bit more as he said those words.

"However it really hurt when you said I mean nothing to you, especially since you mean so much to me," he admitted.

"George I'm so sorry. I don't know why I said that. I guess I wanted to be mad at someone and you were just the only one that I saw," Dream took a deep breath. "I never let anyone in. I'm terrible when it comes to feelings and words, I push everyone away so I don't get hurt again. However, you, something about you is different. I feel safe when I'm with you, and I hate myself for possibly ruining that. Tonight at the party, I drank a lot. I was so worried about you and despised myself for what I said. When she came up to me again, I let her. Until she started to hold my hand. She traced my knuckles and hugged me and all I could think about was you. Maybe that's wrong, maybe you shouldn't have been my first thought, but you were. I pushed her away and walked out, and I found my feet carrying me here." The blonde finally finished, a single tear rolling down his cheek.

   George was stunned. Dream was thinking about him when he had an open opportunity to hook up with his ex that he used to love. Did that mean he had feelings for him too?

   Without hesitation George scooted closer to Dream on the couch and engulfed him in a hug. Dream immediately hugged back tightly. George melted into his touch and found himself starting to cry. Dream rubbed his back trying to soothe the smaller man in his arms. George slightly pulled away, arms still wrapped around the taller boy.

"I thought you hated me. I thought everything you did was all fake. I thought I didn't mean anything to you. And I was so pissed at myself for caring so much when you might not have cared at all," George sobbed. He let it all out. All of the feelings and words that had been trapped inside him for the last four days were finally out in the air.

Dream made eye contact with the boy below him, his heart shattered knowing he was the one to do this to such a kind person. He brought his hand up to the brunette's face and held it there. George let his head relax and fall into the touch. Dream took his thumbs and wiped away the tears steadily falling from the boys eyes.

"I could never hate you George. You've given me no reason to do so. If anything, you should hate me." Dream quietly said. "Everything that's happened between us was one hundred percent real. I would do anything for you." The taller man said looking into the deep brown eyes staring back at him.

  George leaned back into Dream's chest. He deeply inhaled that familiar scent of Dream, safety. The two boys sat there in comfortable silence. The blonde ran his fingers through the soft brunette hair. If there was one thing he was sure of, it's that he can never hurt this sweet boy again. He liked him, and there was no going back. Both boys closed their eyes and fell asleep, together, where they belonged.

  When George's alarm blared through the house the next morning, he groggily got up and took one look at Dream who shook his head. He turned it off and didn't bother resetting it. They moved to George's bed and cuddled up next to each-other, just savoring the time that they had.

  Liking Dream was like playing with fire, he knew he would get burned in the process. But moments like these, made it all worth it.


HELLO! We reached 2k readers and IM BLOWN AWAY! I've also been laughing my ass off at all these comments they literally brighten my day. Earlier chapter today bcos I have stuff to do tonight but I hope you guys like it :) I don't ever really know where my chapters are gonna go when I write them but I like how this story is turning out ! Thankyou for all the support and take care of yourselves! You guys deserve the world and you're loved! Have a great day/night and I'll see you tmr :)


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