**Chapter TwentyTwo**

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The next few days passed quick. Every morning the boys woke up to a sweet aroma in the air. Elizabeth would cook amazing breakfasts, waffles with syrup and powdered sugar, blueberry pancakes with a fruit salad on the side, delicious omelets with bacon, it was always a new surprise when they came down to the kitchen.

The boys had gone around town doing everything they possibly could. They went to Sapnap and Dream's favorite restaurant, shopping in the town square, saw a bunch of movies at a fancy theater which had heated reclining seats and an array of snacks to choose from, they had a picnic in the large park downtown with Liv, and they even went apple picking with the whole family.

It's an understatement saying George was happy. He loved spending time with Dream, Sapnap, and Sapnap's family. He even spent an evening playing with Liv and went swimming in the backyard pool with her, despite the chilly water. Afterwards they made s'mores and talked. It made George happy, he remembered all the times he had spent with his own brother as a child doing these things.

Today, George woke up to Dream giving him a light kiss on the forehead.

"Happy thanksgiving baby, breakfast is all ready," the blonde said playing with George's hair.

The two boys walked downstairs to be met with yet another amazing looking breakfast. Elizabeth has made everyone homemade breakfast sandwiches.

"Happy Thanksgiving boys!" She said with a warm smile.

The two sat down at the table where Sapnap and Liv were already seated. The raven haired women brought everyone their plates and had breakfast as a family.

After breakfast George and Dream went to get dressed. They both showered and changed into decent clothes. George had a maroon button up tucked into black jeans with matching maroon vans, with his chains and rings. Dream had a white turtle neck paired with brown corduroy pants, brown converse, chains and rings.

"You look great love," the brunette said snaking his arms around his boyfriend's waist giving his a hug.

"So do you," the taller man said back, kissing the head of brunette hair below him.

They both made their way downstairs to be greeted with everyone else seated and laughing on the couches in the living room.

"Oh great you're ready! Come here!" Elizabeth happily said pointing to two seats next to her.

They both plopped down and listened to what she had to say.

"Dream as you know, we have a tradition of taking family photos on Thanksgiving. We already have a photographer booked and I would love it if you," she said looking at George, "would like it join us!" She said smiling and giving the brunette a small squeeze.

"I would love to! Thankyou so much!" He replied.

They left around 1pm. Everyone squeezes into the car and Jim started driving. After about 20 minutes they arrived at a beautiful field with golden grass and trees with orange, red, yellow and brown leaves. Not soon after another car pulled up and everyone got out and greeted the photographer.

  The pictures turned out beautiful. George was astonished at how amazing they looked. He had never had any "family photos" taken back in England. As he saw them he felt a wave of love rush over him, he felt at home. These people felt like his family.

When they got home the aroma of turkey cooking filled the air. Elizabeth had put it in the oven this morning and it smelled delicious. They still had about two hours before dinner so everyone say down and decided to just relax.

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