**Chapter Six**

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•TW's/CW- mentions of panic attacks, mentions of blood

The two startled boys quickly pulled apart. They whipped their heads around to be faced with no other than Sapnap slowly approaching them.

"What's going on?" The raven haired man cautiously questioned.

George shot Dream a look with pleasing eyes seeming to say "please don't tell him".

"George just got a little overwhelmed on his first day, he's just home sick." Dream nonchalantly said.

Sapnap walked over to George and gave him a big bear hug.

"I know what it's like to be homesick, I moved here from Texas. If you need anything I'm here for you dude."

"Thankyou Sap." George muttered letting him from his hug.

"Of course man, we can all hang out tonight at my place if you want, or it can just be me you and Dream, I get it if you don't want to tell the others about being upset," Sapnap offered.

George considered this, and as much as he would love that, he didn't think he was ready to go back to Sapnap's house. The place might bring back bad memories.

Dream seemed to have read George's mind, noticing the wave of discomfort that appeared on his face as he thought about this.

"Actually we could go to mine, seeing I live alone and all we could have the whole place to ourselves," Dream stated.

"Oh yeah that sounds good, George what do you say?" Sapnap looked over at George waiting for approval.

"Yeah, that would be nice." The brit said. He was grateful to have these two.

"Great! Well George, we have a few minutes to get to class and I believe," The man paused to pull out his schedule. "I have the same English class as you this period, ready to go?"

George nodded and went to walk off with Sapnap. However before the boys left he went over to Dream and gave him one last hug, which surprised the blonde.

"Thankyou," the shorter man whispered so Sapnap wouldn't hear.

"Always. Text me if you need anything."

And with that, the two boys walked to English.

  English was uneventful, however easy. George never really liked school, but he still got good grades. It wasn't very different from the last class, except there were no terrifying encounters with James. Close to the end of the period they had some free time. George was sat down scrolling though his phone when Sapnap came up to his desk. He pulled a chair over to share the desk with George.

  They talked about their home towns, how the moving experience was, and Sapnap tried to give George tips on how to adjust. However the truth was, he had no problem adjusting. He was happy to be in a new environment. But saying he was "homesick" was a lot easier than telling the truth.

Everything was going good until Sapnap stopped and looked at George with curious eyes.

"Can I ask you something?" The raven spoke.

"Sure go ahead."

"What's up with you and Dream? I mean not to be rude but he's all of a sudden been really nice to you. He never lets anyone new in so fast," the man spoke. "And I mean at my party, he was SO insistent on him being the one to take you home. It's just weird, I've known him since middle school and he's always been so closed off." Sapnap finished.

George had no clue what to say to this. He did have a point, Dream would look at him with hatred just a few days ago, and now he was comforting him when he was crying? This seems like way too much to just feel pity for him.

"I'm honestly not sure Sapnap. Let's just say something happened at the party. I'll tell you tonight at Dream's place but just not here. He's been there for me and it's been a big help."

And just like that George realized that he had set himself up. Yes, he was comfortable with telling Sapnap, however he didn't know if he could. He was relying on Dream to do most of the talking.

Sapnap seemed to take that as an answer and just then, the bell rung. The teacher, Ms Niki, told everyone to have a good day and They said their goodbyes and headed off in different directions.

The next two classes leading up to lunch went about the same as the last. George had math with Karl and then Science with Quackity. Once the bell rung signaling lunch, George followed big Q to the designated lunch table the group had decided to meet up in. First, they stopped in the lunch line to grab some food then went out of the cafeteria doors into the courtyard. The two boys laughed as they walked up to the pavilions with many picnic tables placed underneath. They quickly found the group and made their way over.

"Hey guys!" Big Q excitedly said as they sat down.

  George took his seat next to Wilbur as everyone fell into their own conversations.

"So how's your first day been?" Wilbur asked with a smile.

"Really good actually!" George said, lying through his teeth returning the smile. He didn't want the other man to worry about him.

  Wilbur nodded and took a bite of his sandwich and George grabbed some of his own apple slices. George was about half way done with his lunch when Dream came over and sat right next to him.

  George could feel the anger radiate off him without even looking at him, and once he glanced over he was right. His face was bright red, with all to familiar eyes filled with rage. However it wasn't until George looked down at his hand that he saw his knuckles were covered in blood.

"Oh my god Dream what happened?" George quickly whispered, trying not to draw attention to them.

"Nothing" the blonde stubbornly responded.

"Obviously it was something," George stated.

Without thinking George reached over and grabbed Dreams hand, holding them in his. Dream quickly flinched and pulled away, obviously not use to or expecting the physical contact, but soon relax and let George look at his now already bruising hands.

"We have next period together, we're leaving to go now." The brunette spoke.

"George we have 15 minutes," Dream stated.

However George was not having it. He picked up his stuff shoving it into his bag and stood up, looking at Dream expectantly. Dream sighed and followed George's movements.

"Dream is going to show me around a bit before class, see you later Wilbur," George quickly said his goodbyes and he and Dream walked away.

"Now," the shorter man started, "you're going to take us somewhere quiet and explain to me what happened." He demanded.

Dream said nothing but groaned, he had no idea what he was doing. He would never let anyone else talk to him like this, not even Sapnap. But for some reason, Dream felt as if he could trust George. So with those thoughts, Dream directed the two to his secret spot. The place where he had been going since freshman year whenever he needed to calm down.


Well hello everyone!! Today's update is a little earlier bcos I decided I'm doing a double update today!! The next one will be out later tonight! And uhh we got another hundred reads?? That's so crazy but thankyou guys!! Take care of yourself and I'll be seeing you soon !! <3


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