**Chapter Twenty**

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   •TW's/CW's- mentions of death and mentions of hard drugs (coke)

   The plane landed smoothly and the boys got their luggage. They were now loading into an Uber to get to Sapnap and Dream's childhood home.

  George was bubbling with excitement and simply couldn't contain himself. He interlocked his and Dream's fingers and stared out the window, taking in the views,  as Sapnap made conversation with the driver.

  After about twenty minutes the car pulled into the driveway of a two story red bricked house. It was cute, with flowers lining the stone pathway up to the front door.

  The three boys got out and grabbed their luggage, making their way up to the door. Before they could even step foot on the small front porch with a wooden swing, the door flung open. A short woman with matching raven hair to Sapnap's stood with a huge smile on her face.

"Sapnap!" The woman shouted, running up to the boy and throwing her arms around him. (A/N: Sapnap has stated that he doesn't feel comfy with people using his real name in fics so his *real name* for this story will remain Sapnap :] )

  He hugged her back and she spewed comments about how he doesn't visit enough and how she missed him. She then backed away and made her way over to Dream, doing the same to him. Dream laughed and hugged back, saying hello and thankyou for having them. She then backed up and made her way to George.

"And you must be George! She said excitedly.

  George went to hold out his hand to shake hers but she soon also engulfed him in a huge hug. George giggled when and heard another voice coming from the front door.

"Come on Elizabeth, let them get inside," the man laughed. He had brown hair that had started to grey.

  The women huffed dramatically and rolled her eyes, but she was still smiling. She grabbed some of the their bags and lead the boys in the house.

  The inside was just as cute as the outside. It was decorated homey decor and the walls were a light grey- almost white- making the house seem bright and welcoming. There was a delicious smell coming from the kitchen.

  Everyone set their luggage down in the living room as they made their way to the dining room table. Elizabeth went to the kitchen to continue cooking.

"It's so nice to have you boys back-" Sapnap's dad was cut off by excited screams.

"Sapnap!" A little girl yelled. She had to only be around eight years old, with matching raven hair to the other two. She ran up to Sapnap, who was now sitting down and immediately jumped on him. They both laughed and hugged each other.

"Wow I see how it is Liv," Dream said pretending to be hurt. Liv stuck out her tongue at him and laughed.

"Okay let's get this done, George that's my mom"
Sapnap said pointing to the women in the kitchen. "Her name is Elizabeth. My dad here," he said gesturing to the man sitting across from him at the table, "his name is Jim. And this one over here, her name is Olivia, but she insists you call her Liv," Sapnap said rolling his eyes in a joking manner.

  Elizabeth soon came out of the kitchen with steaming plates. They smelled amazing and George soon realized they tasted even better than they smelled. She had cooked a chicken pasta dish which was just what George needed. He had never had that many home cooked meals as a kid, so this felt like a luxury.

  Everyone talked and laughed during lunch, mostly getting to know each other better. George felt safe and almost at home here. Everyone was having a great time. Liv seemed to be taking a liking to him, which was a plus.

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