**Chapter Eleven**

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•TW's/CW's- underage drinking and drug use (weed), cursing (in going to stop putting a tw for cursing if that's okay w everyone), panic attack, pills (Advil)

After George's mini meltdown to Wilbur the rest of the day dragged on. He went home and was now laying in his bed on a Friday night alone. He had not heard from Dream since.

The Brit was planning on going to bed early when there was a knock on his door. Everything in him hopped it would be Dream, but he was faced with a smiling Wilbur.

"Hey George," the man said as he pushed his way in.
"We're going out for dinner and then going to a party!" The taller brunette happily exclaimed.

George tried to protest, but it was no use. Wilbur was already in his room picking out an outfit for him. He was tossed the clothes and pushed into the bathroom to change. He came out wearing black ripped skinny jeans, a tight black v neck t-shirt, a few chains, his rings, and high top black converse.

Wilbur happily clapped his hands and forced George out to his car. They hopped in and George realized what he was getting himself into.

Dinner went well, the two talking and laughing the entire time, and now they were on their way to the party. This would be George's first party without Dream since the incident, and saying he was nervous was an understatement.

  Pulling into the driveway George was faced with the all too familiar scene of blinding lights and blaring music.

  The two walked into the house and George immediately lead them to the bar. He was ready to drown out all of his feelings with alcohol and drugs. Wilbur wasn't drinking since he was driving, and promised to look out for the boy.

  They found Big Q already at the bar like normal and once again George requested his signature drink. He downed his first cup in seconds and asked for another. Just then, Karl and Sapnap came up to the bar and George continued to do a few shots with them. He took his cup and the boys went outside to smoke.

  George and Sapnap ended up being the only ones who wanted to smoke. Because of this, George had a little less than half of the joint. He had also been drinking, which put him in a good mood. So when Karl suggested dancing, George was all for it.

The boys excitedly made their way to the living room where there was already a big group right in the middle. Sapnap, Wilbur, and Quackity followed behind but opted to sit on the couch and watch.

Any other time Wilbur would have cut George off, but since he knew he was having a hard time with the whole Dream incident he didn't.

George and Karl danced like no one was watching. They were singing loudly along with the music and having the time of their lives. George completely forgot about everything happening in his life.

After about 20 minutes the boys were still going at it. The three on the couch watching in Amazement wondering how they hadn't run out of energy.

Everything was going fine until Sapnap looked over to corner of the room and saw something he least expected.

"What the fuck?" The raven hair boy exclaimed.

Wilbur looked over and was met with the same sight. He knew this wasn't good. He had to find a way to get George out of here. He quickly stood up and pushed his way through the crowd of dancing people to make his way over to George.

"Hey man I'm getting tired, are you about ready to go home?" The taller Brit said with a half smile, faking a yawn to seal in his lie.

"You can go! I'll just Uber home!" George happily slurred out.

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