**Chapter Fifteen**

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•TW's/CW's- underage drinking, mentions of sexual assault

   Dream and George woke up the next day a little bit later with their limbs intertwined. The blonde rolled over and gave the other boy a gentle kiss on the head.

"Good morning babe," Dream cooed.

George rolled over and gave his boyfriend a sleepy hug and snuggled into him. The taller boy grabbed his phone and saw the group chat was blowing up with texts.

"Sapnap is having a party tonight, should I tell him we're coming?" Dream said quietly, the brunette still waking up.

"Only if we can go as a couple," George replied giving a slight smile.

Dream leaned in and kissed his boyfriend, "of course,".

Dream and George both showered and decided to go out to lunch. They headed towards the little diner they had gone many times before.

George was happy that unlike last time, he was now here hand in hand with Dream.

Lunch went well and they decided to walk around town a little bit more before going back to Dream's to get ready for the party.

They browsed small shops and flower gardens, not buying anything though. They just simply enjoyed each other's company.

However on the walk home they bumped into Wilbur.

"Hey guys! What are you-" The taller brit quickly cut himself off when he saw the two boy's interlocked hands. He looked back and forth between the two before George finally spoke up.

"We're dating," is all he simply said, smiling brighter than ever before. 

  Wilbur quickly pulled the boys into a huge hug. "I'm so proud of you two,"

"Thankyou Wilbur," George laughed. "You're the first one to know,"

"I promise I won't tell anyone until you do," the man gave George one last hug before saying good bye and leaving.

  It was now 7:30 and Dream and George were getting ready to leave for the party.

"I don't have anything to wear here!" The brunette complained throwing himself on to the bed.

"George you literally have half of your closet here you have to have SOMETHING," Dream yelled from the bathroom as he was doing his hair.

George groaned and went to look one more time. He found absolutely nothing. He flopped himself onto the floor and suddenly saw something stuffed into the corner of his closet. Perfect, he thought.

"Are you almost done in there?" Dream called out walking to the front door.

"Yep all done!" George replied with a bright smile walking up to his boyfriend.

He was happily dressed in black ripped jeans and Dream's black hoodie with a white embroidered smile on it, with a chain and his rings. The blonde smiled back at the shorter man in front of him.

He grabbed his waist and pulled him in for a kiss, "you look adorable," he said while pulling back, "now let's go."

It was already dark on the short drive over. Dream started up the car and both boys got in. He turned up the radio when Sex on Fire by Kings of Leon came on. He grabbed George's hand and started to drive. The music was on full blast and the night was young. Everything was perfect in this moment.

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