**Chapter Eight**

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•TW's/CW's- mention of drug use (weed) and mentions of violence

The next morning George woke up to a alarm, but it wasn't his. One of the heavy arms that was slung around him moved to quickly shut it off. Both of the boys groaned before inevitably having to get up and get ready.

However once George hopped out of his steaming hot shower, he realized he had no clothes to change into. Now he had two options, wear the same clothes as yesterday or go and try to find some. Given that his clothes he wore yesterday probably reek of weed, he went with the later.

George tied his towel around his waist, not bother to dry his dripping wet hair, and slowly crept out of the bathroom. He went over to Dream's closet and pulled out a hoodie a pair of sweats. Just as he turned around to quickly walk back into the bathroom he was met with emerald eyes.

"Uh George?" The taller man laughed, no he wheezed.

George's face turned a bright shade of red and he wasted no time going back to the bathroom.

"You know you could have just asked me to bring you clothes," the blonde managed to get out in between wheezes.

Dream and George arrived at school a little bit early so they could hang out with their friends. However as soon as they walked up to the group they were showered with questions.


The rest of the group had a field day teasing the two. However George couldn't have cared less. He felt content with the familiar smell he was engulfed with.

Before Dream and George walked to their first period, Wilbur and George had made plans to go out for dinner that night. George had realized he hadn't spent much time with Wilbur since the incident, and he was finally ready to tell him. He had somehow managed to get out of telling Sapnap, since the boys were pretty distracted last night. He also wanted some advice, he wasn't quite sure how to feel about what was happening with him and Dream at the moment.

First period went on as normal, Dream and George got their first project told to them. It was nothing too hard, they just had to make a PowerPoint presentation on their favorite games and why they liked them. It was due on Friday and they decided to meet up tomorrow after school to work on it. Luckily, James had no come up to George. He now had two big bruises on either side of his face.

The rest of they day passed relatively quickly, nothing exciting happened.

George walked home after school to prepare for his dinner. He kept the hoodie on and threw on some black jeans and his rings. Not long after Wilbur texted him that he was waiting in his car outside.

The two drove to a quite little hole in the wall restaurant. It was called Slime's cafe and was decorated in neon signs and had like green booths. The two sat down and the waiter came up to take their orders.

"Hi I'm Charlie and I'll be your server for today," a dirty blonde man said with a smile.

Both the boys ordered, George getting "Slime's classic burger" and Wilbur getting "Slime's world class pasta". As they waited for their food, George dreaded the topic he knew he had to bring up.

"Wilbur can we talk about something," the shorter brit said apprehensively.

"Of course man, is everything okay?" Wilbur said with a look of concern in his eyes.

With that, George could feel the water works coming. Wilbur moved his hand to George's shoulder and gently rubbed it. George knew whatever he told Wilbur would be safe with him.

So, he explained everything that happened. From the party to James coming up to him on his first day to Dream conforming him and including the fact that Dream punched him just yesterday at school.

Wilbur never interrupted George, he let him get all the words out. That's something George always loved about Wilbur, every since they were little kids he always knew just how to act and what to say.

"George I just want you to know that it was not your fault. I'm so proud of you for telling me and I'm so sorry that happened to you."

Wilbur got up and sat next to George, engulfing him in a hug. George easily accepted, and remembered just how happy he was to have his best friend by his side.

Their food arrived shortly after.

About half way through eating George decided to bring up the other topic he wanted to talk about, Dream.

"Wilbur about Dream, I don't know what to think. He's been so nice to me recently and I don't know how to take it. I mean we slept in the same bed last night and I-" the boy was cut off.

"You WHAT?" Wilbur exclaimed with wide eyes.

"No no no it wasn't like that, I mean we were both high and it just kinda happened but nothing else happened we just- cuddled?" George said questioning himself at the end.

"If I'm being honest with you George, I don't know how to help. I mean Dream has never acted how he acts with you with anyone else. He seems almost protective of you. I'll admit, I was really surprised he was so nice to you so quick. He never really lets anyone in. He doesn't like to talk about his past but I know it was a rough one, he had a lot of family issues and had a really bad breakup back in freshman year. He's always been closed off since then." The older boy stated.

"And I'm aware of that, I've been told that multiple times. But it's just- I don't know Wilbur around him I feel different, I feel safe. And I'm afraid that I may be catching feelings." George finally admitted, he finally admitted it to himself as well.


Shorter update but I'll be updating again later to make up for not posting last night. Take care of yourselves and I'll see you in a bit!


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