**Chapter Twelve**

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•TW's/CW's- panic attack, depression symptoms, pills (Advil), mention of underage drinking

George woke up with a pounding headache and a whole lot of confusion. He looked around as the sun brightly shined through his window. He noticed the water and Advil and gladly swallowed it.

  As he looked around he tried to comprehend what happened last night. Last time he woke up like this he was in an unfamiliar bed and Dream was there to take care of him and cook him breakfast- oh.

  The events from last night resurfaced in his mind and hit him like a truck. The brunette could feel the tears well up in his eyes and his head start to spin. He took a second to consider maybe it was just a nightmare, maybe his drunk mind was making things up.

  He grabbed his phone and was forced to realize it was in fact, his reality. He had many texts from Wilbur and Karl, and even some from Quackity, Sapnap, and Tommy. He wasn't quite ready to answer them yet so he simply put his phone down and laid back in his bed.

  He didn't understand why he was so hurt, well no he did understand. Dream had told him they weren't  even friends and that he meant nothing to him. However what he couldn't wrap his head around was why he was so jealous in the first place. Dream was right in some sense, he didn't have any right to control who he made out with. They weren't dating. Even though George had feelings for the boy, that didn't give him the right to storm up to the blonde when the feelings were definitely not returned.

   George knew liking Dream was going to be hard, but he didn't think it would have been a mistake. He felt so happy when they cuddled or shared special moments, maybe the blonde was just putting on an act. Maybe, he never really did mean anything.

  George spent Saturday laying in bed. He only got up to go to the bathroom and grab a quick snack. However, he felt like he was going to throw up whenever he tried to eat.

  His phone was going off like crazy but he didn't have the energy to answer it. He hopped it would be Dream, but at the same time he didn't want to ever have to see him again.

  Sunday went the same way. He barley got out of bed. However now, he was getting phone calls. Still, he didn't answer any of them. He put his phone on do not disturb and watched youtube all day.

  At around 7PM, there was a knock on his door. His heart sank in fear of who it could be. He soon heard Karl trying to talk to him through the door.

"Hey George, I just came to make sure you're okay." The fluffy brown haired boy said with concern lacing his tone.

  George stayed silent.

"I'm getting really worried, and so is everyone else. I brought you dinner."

"Just leave it there, thankyou Karl," George said with a scratchy voice, he hadn't heard himself talk in days.

  Karl let out a sigh and set the food down. He started to walk away but added "George, Dream has been trying to contact you all weekend. I'm not saying that you have to contact him back but, he feels really bad."

  George waited until he heard Karl start to walk down the stairs to go and grab the food. He contemplated what the man had told him while he ate his first real meal in two days.

  He cried himself to sleep for the third night in a row.

  Monday morning George awoke to his alarm blaring. He got out of bed and headed to the bathroom. He took one look at himself in the mirror and decided school definitely wasn't happening today.

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