**Chapter Nine**

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•TW's/CW's- underage drinking/drug use (weed), mentions of s*xual assault

George walked out of his last period and made his way to Dream's car. Today was the day they were going to work on their project.

   He quickly spotted the six foot tall boy and made his way over. He was greeted with a warm smile and hopped into the car.

   When they arrived at Dream's dorm they set down their stuff on the table and began working. The project was quite simple for the two, they both liked the same games. They mostly worked in silence until about half way through when Dream spoke up.

"Let's go get some dinner, I'm starving," said the blonde groaning and rubbing his stomach.

  George agreed, since he was also hungry and the two left everything where it was, not bothering to put it up, and made their way to Dream's car.

"Where do you want to go?" The taller boy asked.

"I'm good with anything, I don't really know many places around here."

   They decided to go to the same little diner that they had went to before with their group of friends. They pulled in and parked the car. When they made their way in the last thing they expected to be greeted with was Sapnap and Punz. They quickly recognized the boys and invited them to sit with them.

"Hey dude!"Punz exclaimed giving Dream a pat on the back.

"What are you guys up to?" Sapnap said skeptically looking back and forth between they boys.

"We we're working on a project for our coding class and got hungry," Dream stated.

  The waiter came over and took their orders and the food came relatively quick.

"Oh yeah by the way Dream, me and Punz are throwing a little party tonight if you guys wanna come," Sapnap said excitedly,

"Why are you throwing a party on a Wednesday Sapnap? It's the middle of the week and we have school tomorrow," Dream stated.

  George's heart dropped at the sound of a party. He tuned out of the conversation around him. It's not that he didn't want to go, because he definitely did, but he was nervous about what happened at the last party he attended.

  Dream must have sensed George's anxiety and placed his hand on the boy's bouncing leg under the table. Now, all of George's thoughts were on Dream. He had finally come to terms with the fact that he did actually, like him. George snapped back into reality when Dream started speaking again.

"I think me and George will pass on this one man we really need to-" the blonde was cut off.

"We'll go," George found himself speaking. He needed to prove to himself that he could do this. He wasn't going to spend his final year in college hiding away afraid.

"What? We will? What about the project?" Dream said, looking over at George with questioning eyes.

"It's not due until Friday, we can meet up tomorrow after school and finish it." The brunette simply stated.

"Awesome! Well we have to go get ready, see you guys in an hour!" Sapnap said with enthusiasm, and with that him and Punz left.

  Dream took his hand off George's thigh, forgetting it was ever there in the first place.

"George I don't know if this is a good idea," Dream said with worry lacing his tone.

"I have to do this Dream, I'll stay by your side the entire time. Please?" George said with pleading eyes.

Playing with Fire//dreamnotfound Where stories live. Discover now