**Chapter TwentyFour**

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The drive to the airport was sad and silent. Saying goodbye was even worse. Liv held on to George and cried, saying how she would miss him. He promised to come back to visit again, and of course get their nails done.

George fell asleep for the entire plane ride. When he opened his eyes again they were landing.

When they finally arrived home the two boys started to unpack. Neither of them wanted to, but they knew they would thank themselves later.

"Do you wanna text the group and see if they want to get dinner tonight?" The blonde asked.

George happily agreed and they all made plans to see each other. They would meet at their normal diner around 6, so the two boys had about an hour and a half.

The brunette went and hoped in the shower to get cleaned up before they left. The steam fogged up the small room and mirrors. The hot water ran down his body and he instantly felt relaxed. For the first time since it happened, he took the time to think about that first day in Texas.

George was worried, it's not that he didn't trust Dream, but it's hard to just quit something like that. His anger issues also haven't been too bad lately, however now that their home it might change. This all brought the brunette a lot of anxiety.

When he walked into the bedroom with a towel around his waist to grab some clothes, he saw Dream staring at something on the wall. The boy turned around and stepped back and held his hands out like a child, "tada!" He exclaimed.

There, above the night stand, was the photo strip they had taken on the board walk. George walked up to his boyfriend and gave him a small kiss on the cheek, "it looks great babe,".

The two boys walked to the car in the chilly almost-winter weather. Even just the short time in the cold make their cheeks and nose a bright pink color.

When they pulled into the diner they saw everyone's cars already there. They locked hands and walked into the familiar space. As soon as they entered the door they immediately heard loud laughter, coming from one table in particular.

As they made their way over everyone soon noticed and greeted them with enthusiasm.

"Aye! Big man gogy! Great to see ya!" Tommy said giving George a pat on the back.

George simply rolled his eyes and said hello to everyone. The group quickly filled with conversation and would erupt with laughter quite often.

When George said he was going to the bathroom, Wilbur said he had to go as well. The two stood up and walked across the rectangular shaped building to the back corner. When they walked into the room with the stalls Wilbur suddenly gave the smaller a big hug.

"I missed you dude," he said.

George laughed, confused at the sudden emotions, "I've missed you too,"

"I'm sorry, about everything with Dream," Wilbur said, not making eye contact.

"It's okay, we talked about. He's okay and we are okay," George said with sincerity in his tone.

The rest of the night went well. The boys found that even though it was only a week, they missed their friends.

Both of them were pretty tired. It was only around 8 but they decided to get in bed and watch a movie. Neither of them were excited about school starting again tomorrow.

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