**Chapter Four**

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•TW/CW- mentions of s*xual assault and violence, pills (Advil)

George awoke to the sun shining brightly on his face. He opened his eyes and was faced with a pounding headache and an unfamiliar room. He quickly panicked and looked around trying to find any memories that would help him figure out where he was. He grabbed his phone and check to see a few texts from Wilbur.


1:12 am
Hey man did you find the bathroom

1:20 am

1:36 am
George I'm getting worried

1:38 am
Please answer me

1:57 am
Hey dude Dream just came out and told me he's talking you home, I told him I could but he refused. What happened?

2:09 am
Text me when you see this

And that's when it hit him. All the memories from last night came flooding back. He winced as he felt his head pounding and he connected the dots, he was in Dreams room.

As is on cue, the door to the room slowly creaked open and there revealed a concerned Dream with water and Advil in hand. George realized this was the first time he had never saw Dream's eyes filled with anger. Dream slowly walked over to the bed and handed George the items in his hands.

"Here, these will help with your headache." The taller man stated.

George stayed silent and took the pills. He was overwhelmed with the whole situation, and confused on why Dream was taking care of him.

"Look about last night-" George started and was cut off.

"We don't have to talk about it if you don't want to George. I won't tell anyone until you want to."

George sat with this information and didn't know what to do with it. Did he want to tell people? He definitely needed to talk about it but wasn't sure if Dream was the right person to do so with. He looked down and realized he was still in the same clothes he wore last night.

"Can I take a shower and borrow some clothes, I really don't want to be in these ones." The brunette said, as they just reminded him of what happened.

Dream simply nodded and handed him a hoodie and a pair of sweats. He guided George to where the bathroom was and left him there.

George closed the door and locked it. He turned on the water as hot as it could get, hopping to scrub everything that has happened off of him. Before George got in, he looked at himself through the slightly foggy mirror. Vivid memories flashed in his mind and tears welled up in his eyes.

After his shower, he got dressed and went out to the living room and kitchen area. The dorm was bigger than his and surprisingly very clean. He saw Dream in the kitchen, cooking something to what he assumed to be breakfast.

George sat down at the small table and Dream served him a plates of bacon and pancakes. The taller boy set down his own plate and sat in front of George. George picked at his food with his fork. He didn't seem to have an appetite at the moment. He also realized he still needed to text Wilbur back, but thought it could wait.

"How did you find me?" George found himself blurting out.

"I was hanging out with Punz inside when I went to go to the bathroom, I heard screaming but it quickly stopped. I was worried so I opened the door." Dream simply responded with.

"I'm sorry." The smaller boy said

"Sorry? Sorry for what George? You know that wasn't your fault."

"Sorry you had to see me like that." George could feel tears forming in his eyes.

"You can't apologize when you had no control over that situation," Dream said carefully.

"I know but if I didn't drink so much or didn't smoke maybe I could have done something. Or if I saw Wilbur's texts then maybe I would have just gone back outside. Or maybe if I just didn't agree to go to the party in the first place-" George was cut off by the tears now rushing now his face and his uneven breathing.

"George look at me," Dream demanded. "That was not your fault, you couldn't have assumed that there would be such a shitty human being out there to take advantage of you. That's what people do at parties. You did nothing out of the ordinary." Dream calmly spoke trying to make George feel better. "Besides, that guy won't come anywhere near you again, I promise."

Memories of Dream punching the terrible man appeared in George's head. George felt safe in Dream's house for some reason. However he was still confused about one thing. Dream got up and carried his plate to the sink.


"Yes George?"

"Why are you being so kind of a sudden? I mean I swear you hated me like two days ago." George spoke quietly.

"George, I'm unfriendly, not a dick." Dream spoke with a slight smile.

George took that as an answer and ate his breakfast.

After he finished eating, Dream told him he could stay as long as he wanted. He texted Wilbur and told him he just had too much to drink so Dream took him to his house. He wasn't ready to tell anyone yet.

George and Dream sat one the couches and watched a movie before Dream drove the brunette home. The car ride was filled with comfortable silence, and it was surprisingly short, only being about two minutes. Dream walked George to his dorm and and told the boy to call him if he needed anything. George was still confused, but nonetheless thankful for what Dream had done.

Once inside, George sat down on his bed. It was now 7pm and he had school the next morning. He curled up under his blankets and realized he was still wearing Dream's hoodie. It made him feel safe, just like Dreams house. He pulled out his phone to thank the man one last time.

Hey Dream, I just wanted to say thankyou again. Thankyou for saving me and thankyou for helping me today. I'm not sure if I'm ready to tell anyone else but I really appreciate what you did.

Of course George, try to get some sleep tonight, call me if you need anything

  And with that, George plugged his phone in and let his mind rest. He was still so overwhelmed with the situation plus his first day of school is tomorrow. Sleep soon consumed him.


Hey guys :) there's now five of you which is really crazy, I didn't think anyone would be reading this but I hope you enjoy! Make sure to take care of yourselves and I'll see you guys tmr <3


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