**Chapter Nineteen**

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•TW's/CW's- none :)

   The next few weeks passed easily. I mean sure, George had moments where the memories would hit him and he would panic. However Dream always calmed him down. And sure, there were moments when Dream flipped out and his anger got the best of him. However it was never directed towards George, and the brunette always knew how to calm him down.

The boys have been working on a project for their first period for the past two weeks. They presented it today and got it almost perfect score. The environment in the dorm room was a good one. They were both helping each other pack and laughing the entire time.

"I'm so excited, I've never been to Texas before!" George exclaimed as he went through his closet picking out shirts to carefully fold and place in his suitcase.

"I'm so happy you get to come, I'm going to make sure to show you all of my favorite places!" Dream said with adoration in his voice.

The blonde smiled and happily and walked up to his boyfriend who was now double checking he had everything. He wrapped his arms around the smaller's frame and hugged him tight. He planted a loving kiss on the boys lips.

"We should probably go to sleep, we're meeting Sap at the airport at 5am," Dream said, still holding on tight to George.

  The brunette nodded and went to get ready to sleep.

  Both boys climbed into bed, however they went particularly tired. Dream laid on his back while George rested his head on his chest with one of his legs thrown over the taller's body. He gently held his boyfriend's hand, tracing all the lines and veins with his finger tip. He couldn't help but let this thoughts run wild as Dream gently played with his hair. He loved the man below him so much, but he was worried for him. He knew his anger had only been growing worse, and he knew eventually there would be a time where he could not calm him down.

"Dream," George whispered.

"Yes baby?" The man replied with closed eyes.

"Have you ever thought of like- some form of therapy? Or a support group for your anger?" The brunette said, worried about the response he would get.

"I- I don't know. That's not really my thing," Dream said, laughing nervously.

George knew it wasn't his thing. He had known this, but he was worried.

"I know babe but maybe it will help?" He questioned.

"George I don't want to," the blonde said getting more aggravated.

"But Dream-" the boy was cut off.

"No George, I can handle myself. I'm not going and that's final," the blonde said obviously annoyed but trying his best not to snap at his boyfriend.

George just nodded. He knew this was a touchy subject. However the reality was, Dream's anger had been getting the best of him lately. He would snap at little things, like if somebody shut the door too loud, when his belt loop got hooked on a door knob, having to wait at a restaurant, and every day things. Yes these things were annoying, but they should not have gotten the large reaction Dream was giving them.

The blonde muttered an I'm sorry and George just said it was okay. No more words were spoken that night. They simply fell asleep engulfed in each others warmth.

The alarm blurred through the house that was not yet lit up by sunlight at 4 AM. George got up with no issues, giving the boy next to him a kiss. Dream groggily opened his eyes and huffed before getting up to get ready.

They were on the road by 4:30. George was bursting with excitement. He could not wait to meet Sapnap's family. The car ride was quiet but comfortable. When they arrived at five, Sapnap was waiting outside of the airport for them.

They checked in and went through security and we're now waiting at the gate. Dream went and got the two other boys McDonalds, since it was the only thing that was open. They all quickly ate their food and chatted about what the trip would be like. They were staying for seven days, which means they would come back Sunday the 28th. They discussed all of the places they wanted to go and everything they needed to pack in to the trip.

Now boarding the flight to Houston Texas

As the voice came over the intercom George immediately felt his heart rate speed up. Adrenaline was flowing through his veins as he walked up to the crowed area with two others trailing behind.

The lady at the front desk gave George a kind smile.

"Well hello there! Ticket?" She smiled brightly.

George handed her his ticket and she shared a moment of a little too long eye contact before she took it and scanned it. She started to make small talk as she checked it over again, George was sure she was just stalling at this point.

"So what's in Texas for you?" She said enthusiastically.

"My best friends family," The brunette said motioning behind him to Sapnap.

"That's so fun! Well here's your ticket," she said happily handing it back, "and here-" she said scribbling something on a sticky note, "is my number-" she finished holding out the sticky note with a smile. George soon felt a strong arm wrap around his waist. Dream snatched the small blue posted it right out of the lady's hand and crumbled it up. "We won't be needing that, here's my ticket," the blonde said with a passive aggressive voice and a fully fake smile.

The short black haired woman rolled her eyes. This only pissed Dream off more. George knew this and quickly intertwined their hands. She handed the ticket back to Dream which George grabbed and rushed the two down the small terminal hallway without another word to her.

  Dream was tense, and the very crowed plane didn't help. George lead Dream by the hand, with Sapnap following closely behind, to their seats. It was a large plane, there was three seats on either side with an aisle in between. Luckily because of this, all boys got a row to themselves. Sapnap carefully placed their luggage in the overhead bin. George called dibs on the window seat, claiming he wanted to see the view of the Houston skyline when they got close.

  When they finally got settled, it was obvious that Dream was still upset and tense. George held his hand and rubbed the back of it with his thumb. The blonde's shoulders instantly relaxed. The Brit laid his head on his boyfriend's shoulder and soon drifted off to sleep.

This is your pilot speaking, we will be landing shortly.

  George opened his eyes slowly to be greeted with a warm light from the still open window shining on him. He quickly realized they were almost there and leaned over putting his nose against the glass like a child.

  The view was beautiful. Dream set his chin on the brunette's shoulder and peered over. The plane slowly started making its way down, and George's excitement increased.


Hey everyone! I'm so sorry about not uploading yesterday and today's short chapter! School has been kicking my ass and I'm exhausted. I ended it here because I didn't really know what else to put without getting into my ideas for the next scene. This is just kind of a filler, but next chapter they will be in Houston and I have a few cute ideas for that! I hope everyone is doing well and taking care of yourselves and you're all so loved! I'm gonna go get some rest so make sure you do the same! Thank you for all your support and I'll see you tomorrow <3


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