Friends with Benifits🤍

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I sat in the chateau with my best friends listening to the news of hurricane Agatha, supposed to be hitting the outer banks tonight.

Kiara had fallen asleep in the guest room, Pope was getting ready to leave, me and JJ were cuddling, and John B was getting ready for bed.

JJ and I would have to spend the night together on the pull out couch since neither of us would dare go home to face the other half of our lives. That was one of the things we had in common, abusive parents.

Me and JJ seemed like a couple, we acted like a couple, but we were far from that. Most people would call us friends with benefits, but we liked to just be called best friends.

Maybe we acted this way because we were both too scared to actually fall in love with someone. We didn't like making commitments because we aren't good at keeping them. It was nice having someone you could go to with anything, but still not have to live up to any expectations.

We understood each other more than anyone else ever could. I guess we would make a perfect couple, but dating was the last thing we needed right now. I mean of course I loved him, but I think we are better this way.

The tv flickered off due to the hurricane cutting out the power. JJ knew I was scared of the dark so he held me tighter and John B grabbed a flashlight.

"Guess thats my que to hit the hay. If I hear the couch banging tonight, you can go hang out with Agatha." John B joked about me and JJ spending the night on the couch as he walked toward the hall leading to the stairs.

I flipped him off referring to his snarky comment and JJ chuckled.

"Night lovebirds!" JB teased running up the stairs. I rolled my eyes and nudged my head into the crook of JJs neck. One of his arms wrapped around my back and held my waist, the other drew circles on my shoulder.

We laid in a comfortable silence for a little while until JJ broke the silence with his voice.

"Y/n?" JJ softly spoke. I responded with a sleepy hum instead of using actual words because I didn't feel like saying anything.

"Have you ever thought about it, about being an actual couple?" JJ questioned, suddenly the feeling of not talking went away and there was a million words floating in my head.

Is he about to ask me out? Will this ruin the friendship? Would I even say yes? Does he like me? There must have been a billion questions I was dying to ask but I couldn't.

"I mean I guess I've thought about it, But I've never actually considered it. Have you?" I looked up at the boy who was already looking down at me. I could barely see his face other than the light being cast by the moon shining in the window.

"I have definitely thought about it. I think about it all the time actually. I guess I'm scared that what we have will eventually fade away, you will find someone you actually love, and you'll leave me." I had never seen JJ put himself in such a vulnerable position, he usually hides this part of himself.

I fiddled with the shark tooth necklace that hung around his neck.

"What makes you think I don't actually love you?" We let that last sentence linger between us and just laid there listening to each others heart beats.

I thought about what it would be like, being in a relationship with JJ. What would the Pogues think, would it even work.

"I think I love you y/n, I think i'm in love with you."He had broken the silence once again. His words shocked me, I looked up at him again and thought very carefully about the next move I make and what it would mean.

JJ pulled me up so I was levelled with his head. I think we both knew where this was about to go because not even seconds after, we found our lips crashing together and moving perfectly in sync.

The feeling was euphoric it was like a missing piece of my life had just clicked into place and We were standing in a utopia.

We pulled away for air and stared deeply into each others eyes as if we were communicating with out words.

"I think I love you too, JJ"
This time I was the one to break the silence.

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