Best friend 🤍

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There probably hasn't been a bonfire that ended normally since... Well ever. Something always happens, Whether it's Cops showing up, Ambulance showing up, fight between Kooks and Pogues, it's always something.

So when the Pogues were invited to a bonfire, they were aware of the things that could happen. JJ and Y/n placed their bets on someone OD'ing and Ambulance's showing up, John B bet Cops shut it down for under Age drinking. And Pope said Fight between Kooks and Pogues, which is what normally happens.

Kiara was trying to look on the bright side "Can't this bonfire just be normal? bad things don't always have to happen!"

Y/n and JJ were the first to jump out of the van, racing to see who could get to the Keg first, and then who could get drunk first, and then who'd pass out first, and then who'd throw up first.

"Do they always have to be competing in something?" Pope questioned as he helped Kiara out of the Van, keeping his eyes on JJ and Y/n sprinting to the keg and downing their first beer.

"It's JJ and Y/n, what did you expect?" John B rolls his eyes as he closes the door of the van. He wasn't in the best mood since him and Sarah got in a fight and she broke up with him. He figured they would get back together but he was still upset.

"Maybank loses again, shocking!! I'm getting bored of winning." Y/n gloats in JJ's face about how she got to the keg first and finished her beer before him.

JJ rolls his eyes "not fair you cheated! You pushed me in front of that girl, I had to apologize for almost knocking her out!" He protests, but
Y/n was not having it, she won and no one was telling her otherwise.

After a while of hanging out at the party JJ and Y/n were on the verge of blacking out, Kiara was talking to some environmentalists about environmentally things, Pope was beside Kiara listening to the things coming out of her mouth, and John B was talking to some girl he had no interest in.

"Hey who's that with John B?" JJ manages to slur his words to almost make sense, Y/n stopped giggling from the joke that JJ had said previously. Her eyes b-lined straight to John B who had a girl gushing all over him.

Y/n and Sarah were best friends, so she was ready to throw hands, even if it was John B she had to talk some sense into.

She pushed pass JJ and a group of other people they were with, and headed directly toward John B and the Bitch next to him.

The girl was giggling and running her fingers through John B's hair, it was a no brainer by the look on John B's face that he was not enjoying it.

"Hey JB" Y/n spoke before she separated the girl from her best friend and glared at Him. She could tell by the look he gave her that he didn't want to be with the girl next to him.

"Who the hell are you?" The girl yelled. She did not seem impressed that Y/n peeled her off of John B. Y/n let out a breath of annoyance.

"How you doin my name's Y/n." Her blood was boiling, she was a second away from caving this girl's face in. The image of how hurt Sarah would be if she saw this girl with John B kept playing in her mind.

"Well we were kind've in the middle of something Bitch?" The girls attitude raged Y/n even more. John B could tell by the look in her eyes that Y/n was about to kill someone. He called JJ over and as soon as the blonde saw the look in Y/n's eyes he started walking fast, but clearly not fast enough.

Y/n's eyes looked down at the ground before she brought them back up to meet the girls eyes. "What's your name again?" The tone in Y/n's voice seemed friendly, but anyone who knew her personally would know she was about to explode.

"Mya why?"

Y/n nodded her head "right. Sorry Mya." And with that, she pulled her right fist up and pounded it into the girls face knocking her onto the ground.

Y/n was never one to be impolite so it made sense why she would Apologize to the girl before punching her square in the face.

JJ got there too late but he saw Y/n knock the girl to the floor. "We should probably go." John B suggested. JJ looked at the girl-who was clutching her nose on the ground- in shock. He didn't expect Y/n to have such a good punch. Y/n was death staring the girl but she snapped out of her daze when she felt JJ's arm snake around her waist. She looked down at her knuckles that felt like knives pushing into her bones, shaking her hand in pain.

"Come on we gotta go y/n" his arm fell off her waist as they started walking, looking back to check on the girl every couple steps in case she got up and B-lined straight for Y/n.

"You completely knocked her off her feet y/n, didn't think you had it in you but Damn girl you got moves!" Kiara gushed over the punch that
Y/n threw, but y/n was in just as much shock as everyone else.

"That was hot as hell." JJ blurted out as they got into the Van. Y/n looked at him, about to say something like "what did you say?" But she decided not to, she heard him loud and clear.

The blonde and the y/h/c sat together in the back of the Van, unknowingly thinking of the same thing.

'Did JJ just call me hot?'

'Did I seriously just call her hot?'

Okay I know there isn't a lot of JJ and y/n content in this one but I heard a tik Tok sound that goes like. "How you doin my name molly, current mood fuck everybody, if you don't like my attitude then sorry.." if you've heard it lmk but anyway, When I heard it I was like 'that would be such a sick thing for y/n to say.' So I wrote this, except I only ended up adding the "how you doin my name's y/n" part.

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