High on Stress🤍

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TRIGGER WARNING ⚠️ drug abuse, suicide, mommy issues.

Y/n who has never touched a drug in her life, was sitting in the middle of the chateau kitchen, high out of her mind. Finding interest in the blank wall in front of her she just sat there not daring to peel her eyes from the surface.

"Y/n what are you doing?" Pope came walking down the stairs with a bag of chips in his hand. Confused by the girl daydreaming on the kitchen floor.

"What'd you say mom?" Pope started laughing, thinking she was just joking around, since the Pogues knew Y/n by heart. She doesn't drink, smoke, pop pills, use needles, nothing. Y/n didn't move a muscle, staying silent as Pope giggled.

When The brunette noticed the girl was stiff as a board, not making even the slightest movement of a smile. He drew his eyebrows together and set the bag of chips on the counter before kneeling down beside Y/n.

"Hey wake up silly you're day dreaming or something. Earth to Y/n?" He waved his hands in front of her face, but nothing.  This is when he started to get worried.

Standing up and running her hands over his face looking for his phone or anything that would help, he noticed a pill bottle and alcohol next to it, both empty.

"Shit! Y/n! Why why why would you do that?" Pope was now in complete panic mode. He called JJ's name countless amount of times as he checked her pulse and made sure she was breathing.

"JJ GET YOUR ASS IN HERE SOMETHINGS WRONG WITH Y/N!" He yelled to the blonde who was sound asleep in the guest bedroom.

The blonde woke up on a bad mood and completely un aware why Pope was screaming. Walking out of the room rubbing his eyes and yawning.

"Why are you yellin- the fuck are y'all doing on the floor, it's too early for this shit." JJ's mind hadn't fully registered the image in front of him until he saw popes fingers press against Y/n's neck, checking her pulse.

"Y/n? Hey Pope what the fuck happened?" The blonde because panicked too, dropping to his knees next to the girl. Pope pointed at the pills and alcohol before reaching Into his pocket for his phone.

"Yo what are you doing we gotta help her?" JJ questioned the boy on his phone. Pope dialled 3 numbers and pressed ring before pushing the phone up to his ear.

"I'm calling 911! what do you think?" The boy's outburst kind've shocked JJ but his mind was occupied with the girl laying on the floor completely whacked out of it.

"Hi, yes there's been an accident, it's my friend I think she mixed some pills with alcohol and is now completely un responsive. She needs help." Popes eyes were on the verge of tears as were JJ's.

While Pope talked to the cops JJ was trying his hardest to wake Y/n.

"Wake up! Please y/n you can't leave me! Wake the fuck up! Can't you Hear me?" JJ had his head buried in Y/n's chest clutching her clothes wondering why she did this.

"I'm not coming home." Y/n's responses were confusing, But Pope put two and two together. She called him 'mom' and was talking about home. He thought she might have been hallucinating a conversation with her mother, who left her.

"What do you mean Y/n!?" JJ was sobbing trying to find signs that she was going to be okay and that he would get to see her again.

"It's no big surprise I turned out this way." After she said that sentence she blacked out and her eyes rolled backward. JJ grabbed hold of her and held her in his arms praying for her to wake up.

When the ambulance showed up the had to explain everything they knew and show them the pills and alcohol they think she took. She was taken to the hospital in an ambulance while JJ and Pope drove behind to meet them there.

"Could you please tell me the patient room number of y/n L/n? She was just taken here by ambulance." JJ rushed the words out of his mouth to the lady at the front desk like his life depended on it.

"I'm sorry what is your relation to the patient?" The nurse asked, Pope replied first with "She is my best friend", the nurse explained that they had to have some sort of a family member to go in with them.

Since Y/n didn't have any Family JJ thought of the next best thing. "I'm her boyfriend, does that count for Family. Y/n doesn't really have any family in town at the moment." JJ was most definitely not her boyfriend but he was however a really good liar. Technically it's only half a lie since. He was in love with her, and she was in love with him.

The nurse allowed them to see her, when they walked into the room she was hooked up to at least 3 different IV needles and there was a mask over her nose and mouth to help oxygen get to her lungs.

"Pope talked to the doctor about what condition she was in and if she was going to be alright while JJ kneeled beside the bed crying and telling her to open her eyes.

"Please don't go Y/n I'm begging you just stay a little longer. I love you, I love you, I love you. Y/n I need you to hear me. Just Stay!" JJ and Y/n had never said I love you's to each other, but JJ didn't want her to leave without hearing it just once. Her eyes slowly opened and she made eye contact with JJ, her eye lids were heavy and she looked as if she were about to cry. With tears in his eyes he begged her to stay.

"Hey man I love you but no fucking way."

Her eyes focused on the wall behind him and the machine made an on going beep noise followed by a straight line, indicating her heart had stopped and she passed. JJ yelled for the doctor who came running in with a cart, followed by nurses.

Pope and JJ were pulled away from her bed and the room filled with doctors.

"Charge to 200. Clear" they pushed the defibrillator paddles into her chest and her body shook, they repeated this a few times before turning the machine off and calling time of death. "12:38 PM."

JJ's heart shatters and he broke out into cries for help. Pope stared at her lifeless body in shock while trying to comfort JJ.

The brunettes best friend, and the Blondes Soulmate, was gone.

To/ Pogues
So I guess if your reading this, I did it. I mean like I actually did it. Please don't blame yourself for this, or waist too many tears on me. It was bound to happen at some point right, might have been a surprise to you guys but to me, it's a life long goal achieved. I love you guys so so much and I'm sorry I had to put you through this, but you have to understand what I was going through everyday. I couldn't take it anymore, being stressed to the point I'd have at least 4 panic attacks a day, cry myself to sleep, wondering what made me so worthless that even my own mother abandoned me for drugs. I know it's selfish of me but just know I'm happier now. Oh and One more thing, JJ you were the love of my life, and I'm sorry I never told you. This is the shittiest suicide note ever but that's alright.

Love Y/n

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