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Sitting in the chateau spare bedroom was not how I planned my weekend to play out. I was supposed to be spending time with my boyfriend, Rafe, but instead I'm with my best friend, JJ.

Not that I'm complaining, I love hanging out with JJ, but the fact that I'm scrolling through Instagram pictures of a party Kelce Is throwing and seeing Rafe in the background doing god knows what, bothers me.

JJ was talking to some of his friends in his headset as he played Warzone on the PlayStation I got him for his birthday. So I'm basically talking to a brick wall.

I set my phone down, watching my boyfriend have fun at a party was not making me feel to good, so I picked up my book instead. I was reading Divergent at the moment, I had only just started it, I'm at the capture the flag part where tris is climbing the Ferris wheel and Four followed her.

Reading was supposed to take my mind off of a certain Cameron, but thinking of Tris and Four flirting only made me think of what Rafe is probably doing with other girls right now. I let out a sigh and looked at the ceiling.

"I have to go guys, might log on later." He took his head set off and came over to the bed where I was laying. I continued reading my book because I knew he'd be able to tell I was upset if I looked at him, and If he asked me what was wrong I wouldn't be able to explain it without crying. I didn't want to cry. it made me feel weak.

I felt the mattress dip, meaning he was now on the bed, but I kept my eyes glued to the page. Suddenly I felt an arm snake around my waist and his head rested on my stomach. I lifted the book up to see him cuddled into me. letting my hand make its way to his hair, running my fingers through the blonde locks.

I missed this. The feeling of comfort, real feelings. I don't get this when Rafe touches me, he only cuddles me when he wants attention, or if he wants to get laid that night. But JJ did it because he cared. Because he wants to make me feel Safe, and Loved like how Rafe used to make me feel.

Oh shit.

Why am I comparing JJ to my boyfriend, that's wrong. Is this considered cheating? I am not a cheater. What is wrong with me? But I can't help it. JJ makes me feel something I've never felt before, something Rafe could never in a million years give me. He makes me feel Alive.

"That feels good." He mumbled against my stomach, referring to my hands that were playing with his hair. I smiled, even though he couldn't see me, I still smiled.

"I think I'm going to break up with Rafe." I blurted out, staring at the ceiling again. JJ grabbed the book out of my hand and but it on the side of the bed. He stared at me, with his hand still snaked around my waist but his head lifted so he could see me.

"Really?" He sounded excited, happy almost. I most certainly was not happy, he just lost my page in my book.

"Asshole, now I don't know what page I'm on!" He scrunched his eyebrows together.

"You were on 141 I checked before I closed it, I'm not that mean." He made me smile, Rafe didn't make me smile, at least not the way JJ did. The smiles JJ caused were warm and felt nice, and sometimes unintentional. The smiled Rafe caused were forced, Fake, and didn't last very long.

"Thankyo-Break up with him y/n he doesn't deserve you." I began talking but I was cut off. I didn't realize he wanted me to leave Rafe so badly. I looked back and forward between each of his eyes, he looked determined to have me single. That's when I knew, JJ was right in front of my eyes this entire time, Rafes toxicity just had me so blinded I couldn't see it. I was in love with my best friend.

Before I knew it our lips were pressed against each other, he had flipped us over so I was now on top of him. The kiss felt like I was in my own personal Utopia. But I stopped it, I can't cheat on Rafe. Instead I pulled out my phone, yes I was still on top of JJ, and yes his arms were wrapped around me, but we weren't kissing anymore.

"Why'd you stop?" He sounded out of breath from the kiss. His head tilted when I pressed the phone to my ear and heard it ring.

Rafe answered the call.

"Hey Babe what's u- Your single. We're done. Block my number, I'm over you." I cut him off and hung up the phone before he could reply then immediately went straight back to kissing JJ.

Our breathing got heavier as the kiss became more passionate, his hands guided my hips to grind against him, and that's when I knew, we weren't stopping here, this was going all the way.

Before anyone can say it, ROBBED!!! Guys I'm not good at writing smut, maybe one day I'll get better at it and I'll upload one, but not todayyy. Thankyou so much for all the reads this is so crazy that we made it this far And I'm so glad so many of you like my book!!

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