The Song🤍

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Me and the rest of the Pogues were sitting at John Bs house watching a movie. I was sitting In the middle of JJ and Kie on one couch while Pope and John B were on an other couch.

Me and JJ were sharing a blanket but Kie said she was too hot to be In a blanket right now. Which was fine with me because I mean, less blanket to share.

JJ and I were cuddling like we usually are. That's when a song came on In the movie, Just so happening to be the song that was playing at a party the first time me and JJ ya know 'did it'.

I could feel my face going red as I thought back to that night. Feeling JJ already looking at me I looked up at him meeting our eyes together. A smirk grew on his face knowing exactly what we were both thinking about.

Beginning to feel butterflies In my stomach I tore my gaze away from JJ and re adjusted my self In our cuddling position. JJ giggled quietly at my actions.

He slid his hand down to my Inner thigh and I stopped breathing for a split second. He knew exactly what he was doing. I looked back up at him and gave him the 'don't you dare' warning face.

He smirked once again as he slowly started moving his hand up ward on my thigh towards my you know what.

I felt my heart speeding up because of what he was doing. I had to think of something to get him to stop before the Pogues noticed what was going on. So I did what any loving girlfriend would do.

I bit his shoulder.

He flinched In pain and let out a yelp as I began laughing my head off. The Group turned their attention to us confused on what was happening.

"She just fucking bit me!" JJ explained to the Pogues, who then started laughing along with me.

"He had it coming trust me." I say looking up at my boyfriend. He glared at me and I winked at him knowing I won that.

We all continued watching the movie and me and JJ went back to cuddling.

"You are so gonna get it later." JJ leaned down and whispered Into my ear making me aware of what he was going to do once we were alone.

Once again I felt the butterflies In my stomach.
This boy could do things to me just by fucking talking.

Once the movie was over and everyone went home, me and JJ stayed at the chateau. Due to our at home family problems.

John B had already gone to bed while me and JJ were still sitting on the couch.

JJ returned his hand to my inner thigh but this time I let him, the Pogues weren't around and after hearing that song there was no way either of us would go to sleep without this.

"Ready for your punishment?" JJ whispered once again Into my ear reminding me of what he said about getting me back for biting him.

My breathing grew stronger as he slid his hand up to where I needed him the most. I responded with a "mhm" Instead of words.

He pulled me onto his lap and I began kissing him while he used his hands to grind my hips against the obvious bulge In his pants.

Our breathing became louder and heavier, with the amount of need we had for each other at this moment.

I felt JJ's hand glide up the outside of my thighs to my waist just underneath my shirt. We stopped kissing for a second so I could allow him to slip my shirt off revealing my lavender laced brallet, one of JJ's favourites.

"Holy shit could this night get any better." JJ let out In a breathily voice referring to how perfect everything had played out.

"Yea it can actually wanna see?" I whispered back to him before he grabbed my waist and continued kissing me. My arms snaked around to the back of his neck and I started running my hands through his hair as his kisses trailed down to my neck.

He began sucking on the skin leaving hickeys all around my sweet spots making me moan quietly.

"JJ..Bedroom. Now." The need I had for him was the strongest It's ever been. He instantly pulled away and walked us both to the bedroom to continue what was going to be the best night of our lives.

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