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This was a request, I forget who it was from I tried going back through all my messages but I couldn't find it. I'm so sorry.

"Can I please just hold one or two bags so I don't look like I'm torturing you?" JJ has insisted on holding every single one of my shopping bags because he doesn't want me to have to lift anything. Of course I appreciate the kindness but I feel like people are giving me mean looks.

"Y/n, I said I got it. What store are we going to next." This man is carrying at least 5 bags full of clothes. I roll my eyes at him before I continue walking.

"Victoria Secret is the last store we need, then we can go home." He stops in his tracks at the mention of Victoria Secret. Oh boy here we go.

As he stands there distracted by whatever he is thinking in his head, I take the time to grab two of the bags from his arms. So now he is carrying three and I'm carrying two.

"Humpty Dumpty let's roll." I say with a smile on my face, turning on my heel to the direction of Victoria Secret. JJ follows behind me with a groan.

"Can I wait out here?" He questions with a pout on his face. His hair is slightly drooping in front of his eyes, and I use my free hand to brush it back.

"Come on, stop being a child. Besides there's no one in there right now, it's a school day, and most people have work." JJ and I decided to ditch school this week because there was no important stuff happening. We are only watching movies and bill nye video's this week anyway, plus neither of us have any real parents to yell at us for skipping so it's a win win.

He stops to think about going for a second.

"Fine. Only if I get to help pick out the things you buy." He smirks and I bite my cheek to stop a smile from coming on my face.

"Done deal." I lean forward and place a kiss on his cheek before turning to go into the store. He pulls my wrist and spins me back around to him.

"I want a real kiss." He pouts and I roll my eyes even though it is the cutest thing in the world. I lean forward again and attach my lips to his. When we pull apart he has a smile plastered on his face and a blush painted on his cheeks. How can he be this perfect?

"Can we go now?" I ask and he nods, the smile still present on his gorgeous face.

We have been walking around the store for about 5 minutes and already JJ is messing around with things he shouldn't.

"Hey y/n, do you think I would look good in this?" I turn around to see him holding up a sparkly blue bra and giggling at himself. Remind me never to bring him here again.

"Yea I think it really compliments your eyes." I continue with his joke only to make him laugh even more. God I love his laugh.

"But on a serious note, you are getting this. I will even pay for it myself." He holds up a read laced set of lingerie. I'm not going to lie it is really pretty. He even picked up the right size.

"I'll get it but you're not paying for it." JJ is constantly buying things for me that I don't even ask for, and it makes me feel horrible because he needs the money more than I need the stuff he buys.

My family are kooks, although I don't talk to them anymore because I hate the way they live. I still have a bank account that my mother (not so casually) adds to every once in a while. The only reason she does it is because she feels bad for calling me a whore after I told her I was dating JJ. She isn't a very big fan of me dating a Pogue, that's also one of the reasons I left.

He's saving up his money right now to buy a new surf board that he has been wanting for ages, little does he know I already have the surf board ordered. It's supposed to get here some time this week and I'm dying to see his reaction.

"Why can't I buy it? I want to buy it for you." He pouts once again and I smile taking the lingerie from him.

"Because you're supposed to be saving up your money for that super awesome surf board. Remember?" I remind him and he nods his head finally agreeing.

I feel something clamp around my wrist and when I look down there is a pair of sparkly pink hand cuffs linked around one of my wrists. I spin around to look at JJ who is giggling evilly.

"Sorry I had to, they were right there and I got bored." I mentally curse myself for allowing someone with so much ADHD to be let out of my sight in a store full of things he doesn't need to be playing with.

"Jay get it off me." I hold my wrist out to him and his jaw drops.

"I don't have the key, I found the cuffs on that table." My eyes bulge out of my head at his words. He better be joking.

"Are you kidding. Dude, break them or something." I whisper to him, no one will know it was us who broke them.

"I'm not going to break them. Just go ask one of the employees to get them off." I roll my eyes at him before I take the red set of lingerie out of my hands and place it on the table.

"If you don't give me the key I'm not getting the set." His jaw drops again before he takes the key out of his pocket. I knew he was lying. He unlocks the cuffs and places them back on the table.

"Now keep your hands off of anything else or I swear to god." My eye catches sight of the prettiest bra I have seen in my entire life. It's pink and Lacey and it has little sparkles intwined into it. "JJ look how gorgeous thi-"

When I turn around I see JJ swinging a dildo around like it's a damn toy.

"You should get this, it's blue." He holds it out to me as he tries to keep his laughter inside, I just blink at him. He is the most chaotic person I have ever met

"Sure, I mean it's a lot bigger than what you've got." Ohh I got him good. I reach my hand out but he throws it back onto the shelf before I can take it.

"That is not true and you know it." He glares at me and I am trying so hard to keep a straight face. "My dick, is way bigger than that thing." He is now glaring at the dildo on the shelf.

I start giggling before I bring my attention back to the gorgeous bra I saw.

"Okay but seriously look at this." I hold it up and he makes a face. "I can't tell if you like it or not." Was that a 'that's hideous' face or an 'I like it' face. I'm not sure.

"It's really pretty." He says, still staring at the bra.

"Then why are you not more excited about it. Usually you smile or something." I furrow my eyebrows.

"Because all I can do right now is picture myself ripping it off of you." Ohh. "Can we go now, It's getting hot in here."

I look down at all the things in my hands. I have a few bras, a few pairs of underwear, and that lingerie set that JJ picked out. I think we good to go. I give him a nod before making my way to the check out.

I feel like JJ would be the type of person to pick up anything and everything in a store just to play with it.

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