Ava Brooks🤍

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Trigger Warning ⚠️ abusive ex, panic attack

The boneyard was filled with a shit ton of wasted people and a crap ton of free drinks. I don't like parties but I do like free booze and weed. Scanning over the crowd I spot JJ trying to flirt with some random touron, pretty normal for JJ. Kiara is talking to some Pogues about the environment, like she usually is. Pope and John B are pouring drinks at the keg. For once everything seemed perfectly the way it should be.

A smile creeps it's way across my face as I think about how happy all my friends are. If there's one thing I love more than free booze and weed, it's my friends happiness.

"Hey do you know where I can find Ava Brooks?" An awfully familiar voice speaks to me. I turn to be faced with my ex boyfriend. The second I see his face all the flash backs and memories come flooding back. All the times he hit me, made me feel guilty for things he did, manipulated me into thinking I was the toxic one.

He didn't recognize me, I had cut and dyed my hair, changed my clothing style, changed my name from Ava Brooks to y/n L/n, and got rid of my glasses. He can't know it's me I have to act like I don't know him.

"Uh no sorry, I don't think I have ever met her." I reply trying not to make eye contact. The boy looks at me confused for a brief moment.

"Oh, sorry to bother you then. Have a nice night." He gives me a wave before walking off. I watch him disappear into the crowd feeling my entire body start to fill with fear. My hands start shaking and I feel like I can't breath, my knees give out and I fall to the sand. I was having a panic attack.

"Woah hey Y/n! What's wrong? Hey you okay?" JJ spots me and immediately runs over to help. I want to scream, I want to tell him to bring me home, but no sound is coming out. I feel like I'm stuck here just shaking with tears running down my face.

"Hey talk to me, it's okay. I'm right here. What happened?" JJ continues trying to calm me down, it's only half working. I was able to form words but not very loudly.

"He's here. He found me." I whisper with a shake in my voice. JJ looks up at the crowd of people and scans around for anyone he might know.

"Who? Y/n, who found you?" He questions, I had never told the Pogues about my ex and what he did to me. But every secret gets reviled at one point, I was just hoping it wouldn't be under this circumstance.

"Get me out of here. Please JJ." I whisper, barley loud enough for him to hear. He nods his head and helps me up from the ground. My mind is going crazy, how the hell did he find me, how did he not recognize me, why was he still looking for me it's been almost 2 years?

I stumble past crowds of people, JJ carrying half of my weight with his arm around my waist and mine around his neck while we walked. To everyone else it must have looked like I was just drunk out of my mind so no one stopped to see if I was okay.

We made it to the Van where JJ put me in the passenger seat. "I'm gonna go find John B so I can get the keys okay? Stay here I'll be right back." He ran into the crowd before I got a chance to tell him to stay. I didn't want to be alone right now, my ex could be anywhere.

"You know, I thought you looked familiar, talk about change. But, blondie yelling your name gave it away. Where'd your boyfriend go? Did he just leave you here, ouch that must hurt." The same voice of my ex was coming from the back seat and the sound of a gun clicking next to my head played in my ears. I couldn't move, I was frozen once again.

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