His necklace🤍

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Walking to the bathroom I wiped the tears out of my eyes. I looked in the mirror only to see the reflection of a heart broken girl with mascara messed all over her face.

I leaned my elbows on the counter and just stared deeply at the mirror. The girl that was staring back wasn't familiar anymore. That girl left when He said his last I love you.

Me and JJ had broken up a month ago, I distanced myself from the crew in spite of seeing JJ again. I knew if I saw his face and how happy he was I would just break down and cry.

I needed to be stronger than that, but how could I when the boy I love left me.

—————————The break up—————————

My face lit up as I see JJs name pop up on my phone asking me to meet him at the docs by John Bs house. I finished doing my makeup and got in my car listening to the song left hand free by Alt-J.

I pulled up to the house and got out of my car. John Bs van wasn't here so he must have been out. I walked toward the doc to see my boyfriend standing leaning against the railing with his head in his hands.

He looked sad and stressed. I came up behind him and put my hand on his back.

"Hey you okay?" I asked in a soft tone. He pulled away from me and I could see tears in his eyes.

"Woah what happened? Why are you upset?" I walked toward him trying to calm him down but that seemed to only make him even more sad.

A million thoughts raced through my head of why my boyfriend was acting like this but not one of them was right.

"Y/n I love you, with my whole heart, but I'm not good enough for you. I will never be good enough for you. You have future outside of this dump. I'm just bound to end up like my dad. And that's why I have to let you go. I'm sorry, but we have to break up." JJ let the tears in his eyes fall as he tried to catch his breath.

I grabbed his face and stared him in the eyes trying to hold back my tears. He looked down at the ground trying not to make eye contact with me.

"JJ don't say that. Okay, do you hear me? You can't say that! I love you, and I'll never love anyone but you so if you leave me. I'll never find anyone else, we were made for each other Jay. So no, we aren't done." I argued at him but he wouldn't listen he dusted my hands off his face and walked away.

I watched him walk down the dock wiping the tears off his face. I ran after him and grabbed his shoulder.

"You can't just walk away!" I yelled at him. The pain echoed through my voice and it felt as if there were barb wire wrapped around my neck.

He stared at my necklace the he had bought me for my birthday last year. He saved up all his money just to get me this stupid thing and I've never taken it off since.

"Y/n I'm sorry I just can't do this anymore." That sentence made me realize it was over. I looked down at the ground and nodded my head.

There was nothing more I could do to get him to change his mind because if there was one thing I knew about JJ, he was stubborn as hell.

I took of the necklace and pulled his hand out to place it in. He closed his hand over the necklace and shut his eyes letting the last few tears stream down his face.

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