Old Enimies🤍

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Y/n waited in the restaurant for her dad's order, she was supposed to bike there grab the food and bring it back home. But 'The Wreck' was pretty busy, making her order take longer than expected.

Waiting in a table for two by the window, with her legs extended to the chair on the other side of the table, she scrolled through missed calls she had received from her mom who was back in Colorado. Y/n and her dad had moved to the Outer banks yesterday without her mother.

The girl was told not to make any contact with her mother including answering her calls, texts or emails. If her Mother found where they were they would have to move again. Which is confusing for some people, everyone's always wondering why they are on the run from her mother. But the story is too difficult to tell so Y/n just says she is bat shit crazy and abusive. Which is true, but no where close to the entire story.

"Sorry for the wait, here's you food." A brunette girl walked in a hurry towards Y/n's table. She seemed stressed, which is understandable considering the amount of people that are here.

"Thankyou!" Y/n was about to get up and leave before she flinched at the sound of a metal plate dropping, and a Teenager yelling loudly at the waiter. A tall blonde who's hands littered with rings swung his fingers around as he scolded the girl for bumping into him.

"God do you Pogues know how to do anything right? Running around like a headless bird, bumping into people? Open your eyes next time moron." The blonde yelled in the girls face. The girl didn't seem bothered by him, but Y/n on the other hand was furious.

It wasn't long before she was marching over there to put him in his place.

"Show some respect. I don't know you you think you are but, as you can see this restaurant is packed with people. I'm sure this waiter has had a tough enough day and doesn't need people like you screaming in their face telling them how to do their job. If you have a problem here, then find an other place to eat at. And by the way, if you are going to insult someone, at least do it right. It's 'headless chicken' not 'bird'...Moron." The blonde looked shocked and embarrassed at the same time. He rolled his eyes to play it off cool before telling his friends to leave and then making a comment about lowlifes.

"I am so sorry you have to deal with people like that. That guy was a complete asshole." She helped the waitress pick up the tray and napkins that the guy had knocked out of her hand.

"That would be Rafe Cameron and asshole is an understatement." The girls giggled before introducing themselves "I'm Kiara."

Y/n stacked the napkins onto the tray and smiled "y/n, nice to meet you." Kiara returned the smile and positioned the tray back to the correct spot on her hand. "Well I better get going to bring this food to my dad and I'm sure you have to get back to work so I'll see you around."

Kiara nodded and waved, just as Y/n was about to exit the restaurant she was roped by the sound of her name being called. "Wait Y/n!" The brunette waitress quickly walked toward the door where Y/n was standing. "My shift ends at 5:00, there's a party down at the beach later if you want to come with me and my friends, it's gonna be pretty fun. You in?" Y/n listened and thought about it for a second.

"Yeah, I guess it would be fun to meet some more people. I'm in." She answered. Kiaras eyes lit up with excitement and her smile stretched from ear to ear.

"Perfect! Meet me back her around 5:00 and I can drive us there."


As Planned Y/n rode her bike back to the restaurant at exactly 5:00 PM. The brunette waitress was sitting outside at a table for two on her phone.

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